50. Chapter 50

Meredith hummed as she showered in Derek's little private washroom. He had a little counter and sink, that she had dumped all her stuff on top. This private shower was so much better than those public locker room ones, she thought as she got out and dressed in a fresh pair of scrubs. Those were badly tiled and so impersonal. This was cozy and smelled of Derek's soap. It felt homey to her, calming and refreshing little peace of home in the middle of this large hospital.

She had decided right then that she would shower in here from now on as long as Derek wasn't in any meetings or was talking to people. That would not be good having the naked wife in the shower as he tried to give orders to an intern or nurse. She giggled at the thought, not to mention it would probably distract her husband from his work as well.

"Mer?" She heard him call out as he entered his office. "That better be you."

"It better be me too," she joked as she came into the office through the bathroom door to walk over to him. Kissing him lightly on the lips as she reached him, wrapping her arms around his waist, as he pulled her closer to him. Inhaling his favorite scent of her freshly washed hair.

"Hmmm I think giving you a key was the best idea ever." He whispered to her hair as she leaned her head down on his chest.

"I think so too, just so you know I'm using your private shower from now on."

"I like that, I should have thought of it. I should have put my foot down of you using the locker room public showers with all those other male interns.

"Put your foot down huh?" she tiredly whispered. "I like when you take charge." He laughed at her sleepy voice.

"You tired sweetie?" All Meredith could do was nod her head up and down while still not lifting it from his chest. Cuddling herself further into him as her human pillow.

"Okay, c'mon. Sleep time." was all he said as he lifted her up in his arms and laid her down on his sofa. He gently placed the pillow under her head and covered her with the light blanket that was thrown over the sofa.

"Is this a new service, tucking interns' in." she smiled as he covered her up to her neck with the blanket.

"Only for one intern." He winked as he kissed her good night although it was midday and went to sit at his desk to finish some charts on his desk before he had to run down to join his residents on rounds. While watching his wife beautifully sleep right in front of him.