51. Chapter 51

"Well well well if it's isn't my favorite isolated intern." Mark joked as he found Meredith located out on the patio seated alone in the far corner. While the other interns including the perky blond were all sitting together. Animatedly talking or arguing about the mornings events.

Meredith rolled her eyes in feign annoyance at her disrupted private time. She had woken up when Derek kissed her goodbye as he had to leave for rounds. She came down from Derek's office to sit out in the sun, grab a salad and go through some furniture catalogs for the house while she had the time.

"Shouldn't you be having a poor intern buy you a cappuccino right about now?"

"Why yes, Dr. Karev is in the line. I was looking for a table when I saw you all lonely and huddled in the corner."

"I'm not lonely or huddled." She huffed. "When are you going home again? I'm starting to remember why we moved all the way across the country from you."

"You love me and you know it."

"I swear the egos you and Derek have could inflate a blimp." She laughed.

"I'll take that as a compliment."

"You would."

"Speaking of him, where is he?" Mark asked looking around the cafeteria patio.

"He's doing rounds with his residents that he missed earlier because of the surgery."

She nonchalantly said while not looking up from her engrossing magazine.

"What are you reading? Home and Garden? Since when do you read that? What in the world happened to you out here?" He laughed as he picked it up and leafed though it.

"For your information, I'm looking for furniture. I have a very very large house to furnish and in case you missed it. I'm a very busy intern and if I left it up to my husband who has far too much time on his hands. My house would look like something out of a fishing magazine." She said while snatching the magazine back.

Mark laughed at the image, "You are correct, I still remember the fights that went into you two decorating that apartment in the City."

"Oh gosh, don't even mention that time to me. I still can't believe he wanted to paint the kitchen orange. We agreed this time. My dream house, I get to decorate."

"He gave in that easily?" Mark said skeptical knowing his brother had to have a reason to give in so easily.

"Yes, he did. My dream house. My decorating."

"And in return he gets..." Mark said knowing there had to have been a trade or something with the married pair.

"What makes you think he gets anything?" She asked in an annoyed tone as Mark just smirked and raised his eyebrow.

"Fine! He gets his own man entertainment room with a bar and TV and what ever he wants and he can decorate it all on his own. I have no say." She relented. Mark started laughing at just how he knew them too well. Just then Alex with 2 steaming cups approached her far away table.

"Hey Meredith, Dr. Sloan, bone dry just as you asked." Meredith waved hi to Alex and saw Mark take the drink and began a discussion on celebrity rhinoplasty's as Mark ushered Alex over to another empty table before going back to her peaceful furniture pickings and enjoying her quiet surroundings.