52. Chapter 52

"Hmmm I like that one." The voice she loved so much whispered huskily in her ears from leaning down behind her. Meredith smiled and leaned back closer to him forgetting momentarily they were in the crowded cafeteria patio.

Derek kissed her cheek before pulling the vacant chair out and sitting down next to her while still leaning over her shoulder to glance at the magazine she was reading.

"It's pretty isn't it?" She said glancing back at him and blushing as his eyes were only on her and with a look he shouldn't be giving her in public.

"Very" he winked.

"I meant the sofa."

"That too." He whispered still not taking his eyes off his wife.

"Really? You mean it?" she asked him excitedly so much so he didn't know why since it was only a sofa.

"Yes" he replied laughing, "why is this so exciting to you, it's just a sofa." She rolled her eyes in a way that signified Derek just didn't get it, before turning over to look at Mark and Alex still chatting away before replying back to Derek in a louder voice so Mark would hear.

"I need Addi for these things."

"And if you still lived in New York, you would have her." Was the booming reply from the table next too them. Meredith burst out in giggles and Derek just shook his head ignoring the stares they were now getting from the surrounding tables.

"It's exciting because you like it." She finally said looking back at him and then down to the sofa. "It's our house and I want you to like the things I put in it and you like this, and I like this, and that means it's us both liking it and choosing it to be in our house together." She rambled knowing she made no sense. Derek gave her a sly smile understanding her rambling point.

"It's our house," he whispered quietly "and you don't want to put anything in it that I won't like and we won't both like in our house."

"I just don't want you to hate our furniture for the rest of our lives" she exaggerated rolling her eyes.

"I won't. I like that fluffy sofa don't I? Last time we did this furnishng and decorating thing, we had crazy sisters, mom, Addison, even Mark all trying to decorate our new apartment and we ended up in the middle. We were young and impressionable" he joked. " You were 19, we were just engaged, starting college for you, internship for me. Everything was all new to us. This time it is different. For one thing, there's nobody around to try and make our choices for us. There's also nobody around to disagree with the choices we do make. This house it about you and me. I will love how you decorate our home, because it will be warm and reflecting of you and us and not because Nancy saw in InStyle that art deco couches are the in thing to have this season."

Meredith melted right then and there at all his wonderful heartwarming words, she almost forgot to breath. "You're so perfect." she whispered leaning her head down on his shoulder and they started to thumb through the magazine together to see what else they both liked.