53. Chapter 53

"I hope you two intend on me having my own room in this mansion you're building." Mark joked as he and his new pal Alex pulled their chairs over to join Meredith and Derek at their table.

Alex seemed shy and apprehensive about joining his boss and fellow intern, mostly his boss. However Mark had insisted he come over with him. It's not often Mark actually likes an intern but he saw himself in Alex. .

"Mansion? That's not our style and you know it, and the answer is no. No room for you." Derek laughed.

Meredith swatted Derek's arm narrowing her eyes at him before adding in "don't listen to him, you know you're always welcome."

"Expecting Addi to throw you out Mark?" Derek wondered with a smirk.

"No." Mark answered quickly. "What? A guy can't want to come visit his brother and his jailbait without it being because his girlfriend threw him out?"

"I'd like to hear why you call her jail bate." Alex chimed in with a smile, with his first words since joining the bantering close knit family atmosphere at the table. Meredith and Derek both groaned while Mark lit up at the chance to tell a story.

"I'd just like to point out that I have never been to jail. And out of the three of us the only one who has been would be you," she pointed to Mark ." You, who t had to be bailed out by my husband to be, just so he'd have a best man on our wedding day." She huffed while crossing her arms over her chest.

"That's a different story to tell Mer. Alex wants to know why you're my jailbait." He winked and "I'll tell him all about how Meredith and Derek met and it was sappy love at first sight.."

"Alex this story is not that interesting," Meredith warned with the same narrowing eyes she uses on Mark and Derek knowing that Mark was not going to let this go.

"I promise even if it's boring. I'll never repeat it. Scouts honor" Alex replied with a smile.

"You weren't a scout were you?" Derek knowingly kidded. .

"Nope" Alex laughed back.

"Mark you're giving him the short abridged version" Meredith informed him.

"Okay anyways, the first time I …" Mark started off telling the story before Derek interrupted.


"Fine, we laid eyes on Meredith we were at a club, about over eight years ago. We were in med school and Meredith was in high school. She and her hot friends bribed the bouncer to get in. Only thing was they didn't have fake ID's for the bar. So they were sitting in a corner booth. Hoping guys would pick them up and buy them drinks."

"Mark went to chase after some girl and I was at the bar alone." Derek piped in.

"Are you telling this story or am I?" Mark asked.

"I'd prefer Derek tell it, since you weren't even there." Meredith added.

"I was there. I was present for the making of you two."

"Chasing some waitress around." she rolled her eyes.

Alex laughed at them all bantering and ribbing each other liked this and he had wished for friends and family like this while he was growing up to have this close history with. They were unlike any group he'd ever seen.