55. Chapter 55

"Gag me on the love fest." Mark blurted out while Derek and Meredith marveled at Alex's sweet words.

"Shut up Mark." Meredith exclaimed while picking up a fry and throwing it at him.

Just as a food fight was about to occur, Dr. Martin walked into the cafeteria causing Meredith to freeze in her antics and glare at Mark.

"What?" Mark asked her noticing her quick change in emotions. Meredith looked at Derek and then back to Dr. Martin.

"Surgery is over." Meredith said to Derek while he lifted his eyebrow while glancing over to the confused look on Marks face.

"That it is, Dr. Shepherd. You're not going to make it to dinner are you?" He smirked. Meredith nodded her head no while giving him some pleading eyes. "You're free, go get him." Derek encouraged letting her out of their original plan with a smile.

"Are you going to let us in on you and Dr. Martin?" She turned quickly and asked Mark seriously.

Mark just sat there and looked at Meredith's face and then back to Derek's. Mark knew they knew him too well.

"There's nothing to tell."

"Marcus Xavier Sloan! You're lying" Meredith exclaimed a little too loudly for Mark's taste.

"Shhhh! Not the middle name."

"You have people around here thinking I'm Derek's jail bate and I can't call you by your middle name? That's rich." She huffed as she rolled her eyes.

"Tell us Mark, we're not dumb. We know there's more than just professional jealousy going on here. We also know the timing of your Chicago trip was during a difficult time for you." Derek calmly told him, trying not to make him be on the defensive and calm Meredith down some.

"There is nothing to tell." Mark said again only slowly like Derek didn't understand what the words meant.


"Derek." Mark mimicked.

Meredith just narrowed her eyes and decided to try a different approach. "Hmm wonder if Dr. Martin thinks there's nothing to tell. Look at her over there all alone. May be I'll go and keep her some company." Meredith said as she stood up. Marks eyes got wide as called Meredith's bluff as she started to move her feet.

"Wait. Sit! Now!" He quietly yelled out so only they could here. Meredith looked over at him with a smirk and slowly took back her seat, looking right at Mark and waiting for him to tell them the truth.

"I'm telling you this once, it's not as scandalous as your over eager soap opera imaginations are running wild with either." Mark whispered as he hunch over the table closer to them in a severe tone. Meredith and Derek just nodded both leaning in also waiting for him to tell the story.

"Addie and I were fighting over the whole matrimony thing as you know. " Mark saying matrimony like it was something disgusting. "I went to Chicago to work with Martin, she knew of my reputation shall we say. She and I had some drinks after the successful surgery. She, and I repeat SHE came onto me. "I turned her down." Meredith and Derek's eyes both got wide in shock.

"What? Like it couldn't happen? I did. I informed her in a not so gentle way that I had a woman that I loved and wasn't going to screw that up anymore than I already did since I was having issues with the whole ring and I do thing. She felt insulted, said some things about me to the Chief in Chicago trying to damage my professional rep, he didn't buy it and I called her on it. We've been enemies since." He finished off with the story waiting, he paused before winking.

"See, told you nothing to tell." Mark once again said as he sat back in his chair waiting for his Meredith and Derek to say something.
