56. Chapter 56

Meredith and Derek still sat there processing what Mark had said to them. Meredith kept opening her mouth to say something and kept stopping herself. Of all the theories she and Derek thought over regarding Mark and Dr. Martin. Her coming onto Mark and Mark rebuffing her never once crossed their minds.

"Addison broke you." Meredith stuttered out finally after a few minutes of silence while Mark just sipped his cappuccino smirking at their loss for words.

"Broke me?" he smiled.

"You turned her down?" Derek added on step behind his wife. Mark rolled his eyes at Derek. "Yes, Shep it's been known to happen once or twice."

"You're committed. You're ready for marriage" Meredith whispered with a smile breaking out on her face with awe. While Mark's face lost its smirk instantly.

"What? No. No rings and sappy Meredith and Shep life like you two."

"What's wrong with our life?" Derek asked watching Mark stutter.

"Nothing, it's good. For you two, not for me. I won't go crazy over a ring on my wedding day."

"But there will be a wedding day!" Meredith exclaimed.

"No, I never said that." Mark tried to backtrack.

"Yes, yes you did." Derek laughed. "You insinuated…"

"I didn't insinuate anything." Seeing Mark flustered and ready to bolt, Meredith tried to calm him down by being serious.

"Look Mark, a wise man once told me that you don't have to be me and Derek. You don't have to go crazy scared because of some rings. You just have to be you, you and Addi. You're not us, you're different. You can still be married and you." Meredith warmly comforted him. While Derek's face was one of full pride.

"Let me guess, from the look on his face, the wise man was Derek." Mark said as he tilted his head to look at Derek self congratulatory facial expression.

"May be." Meredith smiled back.

"I'll think about it." Mark finally relented.

"Okay, that's all we ask Mark" Meredith told him while images of bridesmaid dresses and a New York wedding back home danced in her head.

"Baby steps Mark. Nobody is saying you have to get married tomorrow, or next week or next month. Ask her, you know it's what she wants and it seems to be what you want now too." Derek added.

"Knowing Addi she'll probably take years to plan a wedding." Meredith laughed as Mark rolled his eyes, nodded and stood to go check on his patient and think about the advice his family had offered him. Before going he turned back to look at the twosome. Sitting intertwined, sharing food and just sharing their lives. "I'm glad I have you two as role models." He smirked before departing the patio.