57. Chapter 57

"Did you believe that? Who was that guy? Where is my brother that went to your high school graduation just to hit on the seniors and their hot mothers?" Derek asked still in shock.

"I have to say that Mark Sloan is not the one we left back in New York." Meredith agreed. "May be us leaving New York, moving forward starting a new life helped him?" She wondered out loud.

"What do you mean, he was pissed." Derek flinched remembering at how Mark reacted.

"He was initially and he had anger at all the change. At us forcing a change, instead of just the status quo of how we'd been living for years. He couldn't run into your office on a light day and take off with you to a Yankees game. He couldn't see us everyday or come by at all hours. He was comfortable with that, with having other people than just Addi to spend his days with. Then you get a new job, we sell our apartment, and move across the country and it forced him to make his own changes. Our little Mark was forced to grow up."

"You do have a point, you know you would have made a great psychiatrist."

"I just spend too much time on the phone with your sister." Meredith laughed off the compliment.

"I'm serious." Derek told her, running his hand through her hair to hold her there. Looking directly in her eyes to show her how serious he was. "You have a knack for people, compassion and understanding. It's what makes you a very good surgeon too. You're not all mechanical and about the cutting like your mom, you are balanced in how you view things." Meredith blushed and got tears at Derek's honest loving words to her.

"You give me balance you know." She whispered to him.

"When I met you, I was a lonely girl who lived a shallow Upper West Side New York life with a very strict mother she never saw, a girl who never had a family, or a family dinner, or knew of such unconditional love. I only knew the hard cold calculating surgeon ways. You came into my life and all that changed." She whispered to him while never wavering from his intense stare. "You gave me that balance. You showed me the other side of life." She said softly, before leaning up to place a soft kiss on lips as both of them just sat on the patio happy in each others arms.