63. Chapter 63

After a night of joking around, Meredith was left alone in the trailer relaxing in her bed trying to watch an infomercial on TV while she waited up for Derek. Her head was just full of too many thoughts to focus. They had spent the night telling old stories, good food and beer. Catching up and talking about nothing at all.

Although it was so late, Derek had gone to drop Mark back at his hotel so he could get packed for tomorrow. Mark after spending the day doing post op with their patient was going to take the red eye home. He was also going home a lot more conflicted than when he arrived.

The questions rolling around in Marks head could only be answered from one person and she was in New York. Mark had gone over every scenario possible tonight expect for the easiest one. For some reason he has his doubts that she'd agree to move here. He is expecting her to say no, and for him to then have to decide if he should live in New York or if this offer is something he can't pass up.

Mark had said Addison was different, she wouldn't follow him, he kept repeating that. Meredith had her doubts on that, she thought Addison would. But Meredith wondered now if she was being naïve. Mark rolled his eyes when she and Derek both mentioned they thought she would. Could she be just refusing to think of any other possible scenario because she would never be able to make that choice?

When it came down to Derek and moving to Seattle. There was no decision, she'd go where ever he went. Whether she had a job or not. When he told her that Richard had called him and was going to make offer him his dream position, she didn't hesitate to add Seattle Grace and all its surrounding hospitals to her list of hospitals she applied for internships for. She knew he couldn't pass this opportunity up, she giggled remembering the fight they had one night about it.

"Meredith, we're not moving if you don't get into Seattle Grace." Derek huffed out from the bathroom while he got ready for bed and she laid on their bed surrounded by her books and notes, studying for her final exams.

"I applied to more than just Seattle Grace Derek. There's Mercy, Seattle General, Memorial..." Meredith trailed off trying to remember all the other hospitals she applied to in Washington. She's pretty sure she applied to every single hospital in that state.

"Meredith, I want you working with me. I know it's selfish, but I just do okay and we can have that right here at Sinai. You've already been accepted. I already work there. It's perfect."

"But you won't have your dream job here. You're going to be head of Neurology at the best teaching hospital on the West Coast and in line for Chief. You are not passing this up."

"But Meredith..."

"Don't but Meredith me, we are going to Seattle. That's final. My foot is down."

"Your foot is down?" Derek laughed as he peaked his head out from the bathroom to look at how cute she was all annoyed.

"Yes. It's down, we're moving, whether I have an internship or not. We're going, you're not passing this up I won't let you. So shut up and if you want to do something productive, pick a room and go put something in a box."

Hearing Derek's car pull up, she sighed that he was home safe. Turning to her side she saw him walk in, dropping his keys and wallet on the little table as he walked tiredly towards her.

"Hey" he whispered while kicking off his shoes, pulling off his sweater and crawling into bed with her, wrapping his arm around her waist pulling her close to him and inhaling her scent.

"Hey" she giggled.

"I told you not to wait up." He whispered while snuggling his head into her neck.

"I don't know why you bother, you knew I wouldn't sleep until you were home."

"I bother because you have to be up in 3 hours for pre-rounds. One of these days I'm hoping you will listen." He whispered.

"I'm a bad listener when it comes to sleeping without you." She drowsily trailed off as he trailed his hand in circles on her back relaxing her.

"You are too stubborn. Go to sleep Mer."

"Fine, sleeping." She whispered drifting off into a deep sleep while Derek smiled at her listening to her breathing even out.