64. Chapter 64

"What time are you going in?" Meredith quietly asked Derek as he still lounged sleepily in bed while she hazardly got ready for the day pulling clothes out from drawers to throw on. It was four-fifteen in the morning, she had to be there by five. She would have to go to the ferry, wait, then make it into the city. She was going to be very late, she shouldn't have slept so late last night but she'd never admit that to her husband.

"Mmm first surgery isn't until noon." He mumbled sleepily never opening his eyes. While just pulling the covers tighter around him.

"Stupid attendings who can sleep in and make their own schedules." Meredith mumbled.


"Nothing sweetie." She giggled, going over to the bed and sitting on the edge of the bed to put on her shoes and not disrupt his still sleeping form.

"I'll see you later." She whispered while she leaned back placing a quick kiss on his cheek, grabbing her bag and heading out the door. She halted spotting another set of keys on the table, she put down the keys to the SUV. Looked at Derek and then back again at the other set of keys.

"Derek I won't make it in time if I take the SUV, I'm taking the Porsche. Bye!" She talked rapidly grabbing his keys and making a run outside and to the car. Knowing he heard her but that what she said wasn't going to process until after she was long gone.

The Porsche was Derek's very expensive baby and it was off limits to anyone but him. She could sit in the passenger seat but he had rules. No eating, no drinking, no garbage, no regular gas, no leaving it unattended with the top open, it's never allowed to go to the mall or grocery store. She rolled her eyes even thinking about all his rules.

He even offered to buy her one of her own if she wanted one. He actually thought his and hers Porches were cute. She was definitely expecting one for a birthday or Christmas at some point whether she wanted it or not.

As she was speeding her way to work with minutes to spare she knew he was going to be mad for sure, but since it was Mark's last day here may be he'd forget for a little while. As she parked up front in his reserved spot, making sure it was locked and alarmed, she took off on a sprint to the intern locker room rushing in and making a dash to her locker.

Alex whistled as she shoved her bag into her locker and put Derek's keys in her lab coat pocket. Mentally reminding herself to put them in his office to appease his mind that nobody would steal the car. "Shep was that you I saw pull up in the 911 Turbo?"

"Yup." Was all the reply she had energy for right now while pulling on her scrubs with like a minute to spare.

"That's one fine piece of machinery, I should so change my specialty to neuro. That car is worth over a hundred and forty grand."

"Don't remind me Alex, Derek will be telling me all day as is." Meredith huffed out while tying her drawstring.

"What?" George yelled out as he dropped his stethoscope onto the ground. "One hundred and forty thousand? Thousand dollars?" he continued stuttering.

"No monopoly money Bambi, Yes dollars." Alex snarked back.

"What do you do with a car that costs that much?" George wide eyed and innocent shrieked out while looking at Meredith.

"Drives it?" Cristina harped back while sticking herself into the conversation. "What do you normally do with cars?"

Bailey stomped into the locker room at the exact moment Meredith had thrown her lab coat on and wrapped her stethoscope around her neck. She walked in and was focused on Meredith. Meredith looked down wondering if she forgot a shirt or her pants or something but no, she was fully dressed. Yet Bailey still was staring her down before looking at her clipboard ready to assign the placements for the day.

"Shepherd, got a phoned in request for you. You'll be with your husband today."

"Crap." Was all Meredith could say as she dropped down to sit on the bench. While Bailey raised her eyes brows with a smile on her face.