65. Chapter 65

Meredith swung around to look at the entrance way to the pit, watching her husband waltz in. He was in his scrubs, his lab coat, he looked normal and not mad. He appeared calm on the outside. He wasn't walking fast or like he was headed to kill his wife.

At that moment while she was staring at him, he looked over and saw her standing with Mark. Meredith knew it was too late to run and hide now. She could duck and sneak into the nurses desk, but he would see her and there's no exit. So she just stood there waiting for him to reach them. Mark just stood there with a stupid grin on his face waiting for a battle.

"Good morning" he smiled as he reached them, leaning over to kiss Meredith on the cheek and smile at a hello to Mark. Meredith and Mark were both stunned at his cheery attitude.

"Umm hi." Meredith stuttered out in shock.

"You okay man?" Mark asked with an equally wary tone, trying to push the subject.

"I'm fine, thanks for the keys by the way Mer. Made me at ease knowing they weren't in the intern locker room. Anyone can take things from those lockers." He smiled at her with still calm tone and more smiling.

"You're not mad? Why aren't you mad? " Meredith chastised him. "You're supposed to be all mad, and brooding. Throwing charts at me or something. You're not mad and brooding, you're all smiley and happy. I took your car, you know the car with all the rules. I took it. I drove it." Meredith rambled reminding him while he just gave her that gazey look with his eyes, tilting his head to the side, still smiling at her with a now amused smirk at her freak out.

"And now you're smiling, and leaning and looking at me all like that dreamy way." She continued on.

"I know what you did, why you did it and I'm not mad."

"You're not?" Mark shouted out in a shocked tone "She took the Porsche man. The Porsche!" Mark said again.

"I know Mark," Derek rolled his eyes telling him, "and I'm not mad. I was initially, but I'm fine now."

"Is this what Seattle does? Nobody told me all the rain melts your brain into mush. Where's Derek? The Derek that had a cow when she hit the fire hydrant with the Benz?"

"Hey! That wasn't my fault." Meredith yelled out.

"Right, the fire hydrant jumped in front of the car." Mark told her dripping with sarcasm.

"Hey, calm down please." Derek told them in a hushed tone.

"Meredith, I'm not mad. Now go prep Mr.Davidson in 4326." He said as he was handing her the chart. She still looked at him warily like he had grown two heads as she walked away, muttering a bye. Derek and Mark still stood there watching her retreating back as she left the pit.

"You're late." Mark stated the obvious his eyes narrowing in thought trying to put the pieces together.

"I know." Derek replied still not turning his head from Meredith leaving the pit.

"You went and bought her, her own Porsche so she won't do it again didn't you?" Mark said while Derek watched her disappearing out of his view.

"Yup." Derek replied.