66. Chapter 66

"So she steals your car, breaks every speed limit to get here and you decide to reward her with her own Porsche?" Mark asked again as he and Derek made their way into his office to sign off on the charts for Mark's patient. So Mark could get home and deal with all that lie in his path. Derek figured he was using the car buying and Meredith taking the Porsche as a way to deflect attention of himself. Keep his mind off the huge changes and decisions that lie in his path once he set down back in New York.

"Yes, Mark. I got her her own Porsche." Derek sighed, deciding to play his game. "What part of woke up, got dressed, went to the dealer, told them what I wanted and paid for it, then came to work are you not understanding?"

"I'm just trying to grasp my mind around it. That's all. So you said Meredith left the keys here in your office, if I grab them and take it for a joyride, will you buy me one?"

Derek just turned to look at him, giving him a menacing not on your life look.

"What?" Mark laughed. "It was worth a shot."

"Meredith needed a new car anyway, and her with her own means she will have more responsibility in her speeding. So I won't worry as much because she'll be scared to hurt it since it cost so much. You know how she is about her expensive things." Derek smiled at the thought of his wifes freak outs when ever he was too extravegant with his gift giving. Always scared she'll lost something or that she would break it.

"Plus she won't take yours." Mark added with a smirked.

"And she has her own so she won't be taking mine." Derek smiled back.

"You're so whipped and don't even try to deny it." Mark laughed.

"I make no excuses about how much I love my wife, I was buying her one for Christmas anyway. I was hoping to actually have a garage to put it in though before I gave it to her ." He sighed. "This little stunt today forced my hand." Derek had thought of ways to have in in their new house, in their new garage with a bow for Christmas morning. That was months away though and he was going to have to give it to her early.

"I can't wait to watch you two child rear. 'It's okay if you steal that, I'll just buy you one'." Mark mimmicked as he laughed while Derek just shook his head at him.

"There is a difference between how Meredith and I will raise our kids and this situation Mark, and it's not stealing when she's your wife. What mine is hers, what hers is mine. Fifty-fifty, you better start learning that." Derek told him with a raised eyebrow.

"Hell no, the ring I'll do. The I do's, okay. I draw the line at sharing my Beamer with Addi. It's mine, just mine. Addi knows not to lay any of manicured hands on it."

Derek laughed at Mark's view of marriage. Knowing that him just getting through the wedding itself was a huge accomplishment for Mark. He's not going to compromise or relent on any of his possessions, or his male rituals. Even deciding to propose is huge, he'd figure out how wives worked on his own. He chuckled.

"Okay man, the Beamer is yours. When you're ready for real advice though, you know where to find me." Derek relented with a smirk.