67. Chapter 67

"Derek?" Meredith asked as she knocked on his office door slightly peeking her head in. Feeling incredibly foolish because since she started as an intern at Seattle Grace she had been barreling herself into his office unannounced or using her key. Not caring who he had in his office, if he was in a meeting, on the phone, or with collegues. But now, now she was freaked because she did a bad thing and her husband was taking it a far too well way that was scaring her and it made her do dumb things like knock on the door first since she was still anticipating a huge Derek flip out.

She expected shrieking. Him screaming "Meredith!" in that tone of his made her know he was mad but also said everything in just saying her name. He never needed to say more other than using that tone of saying her name because she would exactly know that he was mad and she was in trouble. Now she was knocking which he was going to roll his eyes at since he's not mad but she was freaked someone had possessed her husband because the last time she hurt a car, he didn't take it that well.

"Yes, Mer" he responded laughing at her from his seat behind his desk as she cracked the door open.

"You're laughing at me." She pouted as she came in and sat on his sofa on the opposite side of the room.

"You knocked, you knocked like you were some random intern or nurse." He choked out while still laughing at her.

"Well..I.people…Mark. Chief, people could be in here." She stuttered trying to think of an explanation other than the real one.

"And you care about people being in here since….." He smirked at her.

"Today. Since today. Since obviously the love of my life has gone insane. I take his prized car and nothing, not a peep or a yell or a silent treatment. I get kisses on the cheek and you all happy. Insane, totally insane and freaking me out. Hence the knocking to check to see if the cost is clear." She rambled out at him in sarcastic anger.

Derek smiled as he got up and came to sit next to his freaked out wife on the sofa. Soothing her hair back and reassuring her with a smile that he was indeed not going insane. However, Mark probably thinks so considering the car purchase he had made this morning because his wife had taken his car and ran away.

"The coast is clear" he whispery assured her, before he slowly covering his mouth with her own. Tenderly kissing away all her frustration and she relaxed herself, letting all her insecurities and rambling melt away and gave everything in the feelings her husband was evoking in her.

Pulling slightly back for a breath she just stared into his shining eyes as her hands had found the way to the base of his neck during their kiss and was know running her fingers through his curls.

"You are up to something Derek Shepherd." She whispered to him as he just smiled in a sly acknowledgement to let her know she had him pegged right before he leaned in and captured her lips again.