68. Chapter 68

"You are up to something Derek Shepherd." She whispered to him as he just smiled in a sly acknowledgement to let her know she had him pegged right before he leaned in and captured her lips again.

"Derek" Meredith squealed in giggles as he lay on top of her on his comfy office couch. "Stop, you can't be doing this now. Work, Mark, cases, surgery in an hour." She breathed out while Derek refused to budge from paying very sweet attention to her neck, ear and lavishing kisses all over her. He was trying to distract her he knew it. She figured out he was up to something and now he was doing all her favorite things to make her stop thinking. Which was working, but she knew they had a case and stuff. Stuff she couldn't remember much anymore.

"I'm punishing you, you wanted that right." He whispered in a low husky tone without lifting his head up from the crook of her neck.

"Hmmm you're not mad. You were supposed to be mad." She smiled while running her fingers through his curls at the nape of his neck while loving the attention and making no effort to move.

"I can be mad, I can be very mad." He said while pulling on the strings of her scrub pants. That was the last coherent thought she heard and had before giving into his ways of distraction herself.

Before she could work on his own scrub pants, she was pulled out of the trance by a discrete cough coming from behind her. Derek raised his head, turning it around to see Mark looming over them with a very mischievous smirk on his face.

"You two are naughty, is this how things work in Seattle also? Instead of surgery we get private time in the office with the wife? Why didn't you let me in on this perk first? I would have signed that contract on the spot." He laughed as Meredith's face went red and she readjusted her scrub pants so they wouldn't fall down.

"Are you still here?" Derek gruffed out while begrudgingly getting up from his spot on top of Meredith on the sofa.

"You're still not making me feel loved and welcome you know. You should be thanking me. I could have been the Chief or a poor innocent intern who would have gotten an eyeful." He laughed.

"You two were so oblivious. I walked in and neither of you heard. Got to learn to lock the door man." He continued to laugh. "You used to know how back in New York."

"We still know how. I wasn't expecting you." Derek rolled his eyes.

"Is this thank you sex?" Mark asked while Derek shot him a very stern look and shook his head. Meredith noticed this and perked up at the look on Derek's face. What ever he was distracting her from, Mark was in on it.

"Thank you for what?" she asked sitting up.

"For not murdering you for stealing his prized possession." Mark blurted out far too fast which caused Meredith's eyes to narrow.

"Anyways..." Mark continued trying to change the subject since Meredith appeared to know he was lying. "I am here to say my goodbyes, all the paperwork has been taken care of and there is a car waiting to take me to the airport."

Meredith looked at him and knew that he was scared to go home, scared for the questions and change and decisions that were going to go hand in hand with him getting on that plane. Stepping forward on her toes, she enveloped herself over him in a hug of support and good bye.

"You remember what we talked about, and have a safe trip." She whispered to him and giving him a kiss on the cheek.

Mark nodded and let her go before stepping forward to shake Derek's hand and do their manly hug thing. Derek laughed at how sappy they were being.

"I'll see you soon." Derek firmly told him as they let go of each other. Mark looked up in more of a reserved and disbelieving look of him not being so sure of himself. Derek though was very sure. "I mean it, we'll both be seeing you soon."

"Okay, see you soon then. I'll tell the family you two are all fine and dandy here in the love shack office and trailer in the wilderness." He smiled with a parting shot laugh before walking out Derek's door.