74. Chapter 74

"I hope she is not wandering around here getting special treatment because she married a brilliant neurosurgeon almost 10 years older than her, Dr. Webber. You need to push her not let her get away with everything because of who her husband is. I taught her to be the best." Ellis remarked as Meredith departed the nurse's station in a rush towards the elevator bay.

"She is not getting any special attention. If anything she has to work twice as hard to prove herself to the other interns and residents and I have to say Ellis, she's pretty brilliant herself." Richard told her with a sigh. "You should be very proud of the doctor she has become, Derek is." Richard informed her as Ellis looked on surprisingly hearing the high praise he had for Meredith's doctoring, she expected Derek to praise her for buttering bread, but not Richard Webber.

"Dr. Grey." They heard from the side before Ellis could respond to the Chief's praising of Meredith.

"Yes." Ellis answered coolly glancing at the wide eyed young intern looking up at her..

"I'm Doctor Cristina Yang. I studied all your surgeries, and read all your books. The Grey method was discussed for an entire semester at Stanford. It's an honor to meet you." She sucked up as she stuck her hand out for Ellis to shake.

"Nice to meet you as well Dr. Yang." Ellis told her as she shook hands with the intern before glancing at the other two lined up cowering behind her. "I take it by the wide eyed staring during my conversation with my daughter that this is the intern group my Meredith is in?" She asked Richard.

"Yes, this is the group minus one. Dr. Karev who is currently in the OR. Emergency surgery with Derek."

"My son-in-law is in surgery? I see, that must have what had Meredith distracted, watching him in OR had been her obsession since she was a teenager. I see she still hasn't outgrown that habit even after 7 years of marriage and now a doctor herself."

Ellis rolled her eyes before continuing on. "Okay, Dr. Webber. Enough with the chit chat I'm here for this special lecture and this case. I have to be back in Boston by morning. So Dr. Yang and the other two can come with me. If that is ok?"

"That is fine Dr. Grey. We've scheduled the lecture for 7pm in meeting room A. That should be enough time to get you on the red eye."

"Well let's get to it then. Follow." Ellis ordered Cristina, and a scared looking George and Izzy.

Leaving Dr. Bailey and Dr. Webber at the nurse's station to watch Ellis swiftly strut down the hall with the three interns trying to catch up.

"I would assume a doctor of her caliber would want the best intern on her case. Why didn't she ask for the best?" Bailey asked in wonder.

"She assumed it's Dr.Karev, since he's with Derek. She has no idea it's her daughter who is the one to beat."

"What a shame. Doesn't seem like the warm and nurturing type"

"You have no idea. Meredith was very lucky to have Derek's family to combat her."

Bailey nodded before started to stifle her laughter. "She's going to chew those 3 up and spit them back out."