75. Chapter 75

As Meredith burst into Derek's office, she let out a sigh when she saw he wasn't there. He had to be still in surgery with Alex, she thought. Meredith's mother always made her jumpy and irrational.

She needed some calming down and someone to just make her relax and that person was always Derek, but he was not here and she quickly realized mother dearest appearing out of nowhere was going to shock him too. He couldn't have known she was coming or his first move would be the "Ellis is coming" warning system they had in place since after the first meeting between Derek and her mother.

Meredith quickly changed into her scrubs, throwing her clothes on the hook in Derek's bathroom. She wasn't ready to go out there yet. She sank herself down in Derek's chair just needing a minute to get strong and face the ice queen. Silently laughing as she remembered how Derek named her mother that term of endearment after his first meeting with her.

"I can't believe we're doing this. This is stupid Derek, very stupid. This is like going and jumping off a cliff or something stupid. You don't want to meet her, or eat with her. I don't want to eat her and I know her. Let's go." She finished her ramble as she grabbed his hand to leave the quiet restaurant near the hospital they were supposed to be meeting her mother at.

"Sit Mer," Derek laughed at his very nervous and scared girlfriend.

"No, no sitting. Leaving, we need leaving. Before she gets here and sees us and yells and says mean and bad things. Before she scares you away."

She ranted in a freaked out way that Derek found charming. He saw the fear in her eyes and realized what she was saying was the truth. She was scared that her mother meeting him would result in him thinking she wasn't worth putting up with her mother. That her mother would scare him off from her, like that could ever happen. Derek sighed and pulled the still standing and waiting to leave Meredith discreetly onto his knee, not on his full lap since they were in public.

"Meredith, there is nothing, nothing in this world that would scare me away from you." He whispered to her as he ran his thumb along her cheekbone gazing into her eyes. "Especially not some mean mother who can't see how wonderful you are. If anything the way she behaves will make me just love you more." He told her as he watched her visibly calm down.


"Really." He whispered while staring at her lips, before slowly capturing them in a slow kiss. That just conveyed all the love he had for her, letting her insecurities melt away.

"Are you two finished. I would like this meeting underway." They heard from behind them as they looked up. Meredith got tense again, pulled away as they both stood to great their new guest. .

"Mother, this is Derek Shepherd. Derek this is my mom Dr. Ellis Grey." Meredith introduced as Derek gave his hand out to Ellis.

"It's an honor to meet you Dr. Grey."

"Well you have manners, I give you that Mr. Shepherd." Ellis said as she sized him up realizing quickly Meredith stretched the truth when she claimed Derek as a college student. Meredith sat still in the middle of the two of them, fiddling with her napkin as they spoke.

"So my daughter tells me you're a college student."

"Yes, I just finished NYU Med school. I start my internship at Mt.Sinai in the summer."

"A doctor?" she gasped as she looked at Meredith in shock.

"You failed to mention this man who is considerably older than you let on and this relationship which was no doubt not even legal when you started it was going to be a doctor, Meredith." Ellis told her in a condescending tone.

"I...well...I" was all Meredith got out before Derek jumped into save her.

"Do you know Dr. Webber at Mt.Sinai Dr. Grey? He is the attending I am assigned to." Derek asked deflecting Ellis from Meredith.

"Richard Webber, yes I've met him from time to time. He's one the best general surgeon in the country. You are very lucky to have him as your boss. Do you have a specialty in mind?"

"No, not yet I haven't..." Derek started saying before he got interrupted.

"Are you unfocused? Do you expect to just walk in there and it will come to you? You need to be focused and determined or you will fail."

"Dr. Grey..." Derek started off but before he could continue Ellis's pager went off 911, she turned it off and slowly stood.

"I have to go. It was nice meeting you Mr. Shepherd, aside from lacking a specialty you appear to be a well mannered smart man to get through NYU med and end up under Richard Webber. What you are doing with my young daughter, baffles me but perhaps you can wear off on her and she can learn some of your work ethic. You can be good for her since her grades have gone up since meeting you. Just don't mess it up Meredith." She said as she departed, leaving Derek just staring with wide eyes as Ellis took off.

Meredith repeated everything her mother just said in her head and started giggling uncontrollably that made Derek look at her in concern taking her hand in his.

"Are you ok? I'm sorry Mere, She was cold as ice, and she is like the Ice Queen." Derek stuttered out. Wondering how his amazing Meredith could be related to her. While Meredith still giggled and looked happy.

"Why are you happy? You're all laughing and happy." He asked

"Did you hear her?" Meredith smiled lighting up her eyes.

"Umm yes, but I didn't hear anything to laugh and be happy about." He looked at her in confusion.

"You just don't know Ellis Grey speak yet." She giggled. "She gave us her blessing. Her telling me not to mess it up, her saying you've helped with my grades, her saying you can be good for me. That is the highest type of praise coming from her, she loved you and she approves."

"That was her approving and loving me?" Derek asked shockingly with a high pitched voice and snort.

While Meredith laughed at his expression. Getting out of her seat and gently placing herself once again in his lap. "Yes it was, in fact I think she loves you more than me. I'm so happy." She whispered as she leaned in kissing him again, with not tense feelings this time or fear. Just relief and happiness.