76. Chapter 76

"Unbelievable. This is just not happening." Cristina whisperedly ranted to George, and Izzy who all looked as equally shell shocked as her as they followed Ellis Grey down the corridor. The Ellis Grey down the corridor towards her VIP patient's wing.

"I mean not only is she married to an attending. Who just so happens to be one of the most famous neurosurgeons in the country since she was like a teenager, which I'm sure was not even legal. Then Mark Sloan who just so happens to be the best plastic surgeon in the country shows up being her brother in law and now she's Ellis Grey's daughter? Ellis Grey? The pioneer female surgeon?"

"Jealous much now? And he wasn't a famous nureosurgeon attending when she married him, that would different." Izzy huffed as they continued to whisper and follow.

"Cristina, I...I thought you were over hating her?" George spoke up

"I'm not hating. I am in shock, are you two not in shock? She's Ellis Grey's daughter, it's like none of us will ever measure up now. This is her birthright." Cristina coldly said.

"We knew someone was Ellis Grey's daughter, now we know who." Izzy nonchalantly say with still an underlying tone of jealousy in her own voice. "I'm not really surprised, of course it would be Meredith who is a blue blood." She added.

"Wonder why she lied?" George quietly asked.

"George, when did she lie? Did anyone ever ask her, hey Shepherd are you the legend Ellis Grey's child? I didn't, did you?" Izzy asked him.

"No, but she didn't say…." Cristina started to say before being cut off.

"And she didn't offer it up. I didn't tell her my parent's names, she doesn't have to tell us hers. She is the one we have to beat, she is the one we have to strive to reach the level of. Before I thought she just had all the answers because she had dreamy Dr. Shepherd to help her, but now? Now we know it's more than that, she is Ellis Grey's daughter and Ellis Grey is here. This is our chance to show what we can do and not let her get all the glory all the time just because of who her husband and now mother are. This is my chance and I'm not going to mess it up because of jealousy because of who her mommy is. We don't choose our mothers." Izzy preached to them while Cristina just rolled her eyes and continued to stew.

"They didn't look like they had a good relationship, Dr. Grey called her daughter Dr. Shepherd." George wondered out loud.

"If your mother looked at you like the way her mom looked at her. I don't think you would be warm and fuzzy with her either George. Trust me on that. They're relationship has probably never been a good one with such a strong will dedicated surgeon like Ellis Grey as a parent. Then with Meredith marrying a doctor right out of high school? That probably wasn't what Dr. Grey wanted for her daughter as a teenager." Izzy told him as they hushed when they reached the elevator. Silently all climbing on while she remembering her own experiences as a teenager with her own mother which left them fractured and not speaking up to this day.

Thinking that may be she had something in common with Meredith after all, may be she didn't have the picture perfect life Izzy thought she had. It made her feel like Meredith was more like one of them, she was flawed to and that made Izzy feel for her and ashamed of herself and the way she has behaved.