78. Chapter 78

Derek dashed from the scrub room and towards his office, whizzing by colleagues, nurses and his own secretary who were all probably looking at him in confusion at his haste.

Reaching and barging into his office at record speed. He was greeted with the sight that he expected. His sad looking wife cuddling into his leather wing chair staring at their wedding photo that adorned his desk.

Her eyes instantly looking up in concern to meet his. When she noticed his angry stance and the rush to get into his office and lock the door behind him her eyes started to sparkle a bit with laughter. He breathed a sigh of relief that she was still in good spirits that she was laughing at him.

"I take it you've seen mommy dearest." She giggled out trying to hold back her laughter at the image of her husband running down the hospital halls to hide and lock himself in his office from the ice queen mother in-law.

"It's not funny" he let out before walking around his desk, scooping her up easily in his arms before placing her back securely on his lap. Her hands went instantly into his curls to calm him down and his arms wrapped themselves around her waist pulling her closer to him so he could bury his face into her hair and scent.

"You ok?" he mumbled out.

"I am now, you though look like you went ten rounds with her. But that can't be because she loves you more than me."

"Haven't seen her" he said as he pulled back to frame her face with his hands to make sure she really was okay like she was claiming.

"You haven't?" she looked back in shock. "Then what was with the mad crazy rushing and locking the door?" she asked trying not to start laughing again.

"I had a fight with Richard, he knew she was coming and though it would be conflict of interest to inform me my mother in law was incoming. I had every right to know, especially to warn you before you saw her." He said with concern in his eyes. "How did that go?"

"It was quality bonding time. I could have done without the rest of the interns watching our reunion though. They know." She said sadly lowering her head to his shoulder.

"They know, but it doesn't change anything. You're still you and if they saw the reunion I think they did. Then they know for sure you did not use mommy's name to get anywhere."

"She called me Dr. Shepherd in front of all of them. Using that unaprooving tone" She giggled as Derek also smirked.

"Still pisses her off doesn't it." He laughed out.

"Oh yes. The fact I am just Dr. Shepherd and not Grey-Shepherd or just Grey. I don't think she'll ever forgive me for changing my name." she laughed.

"I love your name." he whispered with a smirk and eyes full of mischief remembering the moment Meredith told him she was going to take his last name fully. Laughing quietly remembering that her first week of NYU how annoyed she was when professors he had previously had, kept asking Meredith is she was one of his sisters.

"Me too." She whispered back.