79. Chapter 79

"How long do you think we can hide out like this before she busts in here?" Derek asked Meredith as she still sat cuddled in his lap. Her head resting on his chest as she threaded her fingers through the curls at the back of his head over and over again in a relaxing method to both of them. Neither wanting to move and let go of the other although both knowing they had to soon.

"She can't bust in here, you locked the door." She giggled.

"If anyone can bust that door down and kick me out of my own office, it's your mother."

"Scaredy cat." She laughed. "Dr. Bailey must be pissed at me even more now." She sighed making no effort to shift her body to leave the safe nest of being wrapped up tightly in her husbands safe arms. "I've been changing into my scrubs for quite a while."

"I'm sure she'll let you slide considering she's probably met you know who." Derek comforted her. "Wait, what do you mean even more?" He asked as Meredith blushed.

"I kind of was late because I was watching someone in surgery and lost track of time." She told him shyly.

"Ah, just someone?" he smirked cockily at her. Her love of watching him in surgery filled him with love, joy and pride from the first time she did it up until this day. It never got tiring or old, it just got better and better through the years. Knowing that she was so proud of him. Even if it was a simple procedure she has seen him do twenty times already, she still watched him with love and pride like it was the first time.

" Yes, someone" she smirked breaking him out of his daze. "That Dr.Karev is pretty hot." She rolled her eyes and laughed as Derek's face went serious as his eyes narrowed at her teasing.

"Aw hunny, you know I didn't mean it." She kissed his lips lightly as she giggled watching as he continued to play wounded with her.

"You know" she whispered quietly as she kissed his lips again, slowly pulling his bottom lip out to suck on. "There's only one someone I watch." She huskily whispered as Derek smirked his lips as he wrapped his hands in her hair pushing her more forward. So he could capture her lips for a demanding kiss that screamed mine, mine, and mine.

"Good, keep it that way." He let out before grabbing her again, his hands finding the edge of her scrub shirt and was pulling it up, before she pulled back resting her hands on his chest trying to catch a breath as he pouted.

"We can't, Dr. Bailey is waiting and we really can't with mother lurking around."

"I know." He sighed.

"I should go get my assignment," She said she stood up and tried to fix back her scrub top and her hair. The last thing she wanted was to look disheveled like she had almost sex with her hot neurosurgeon head of the department husband while her mother was around here.

"You should." He smiled at her not really wanting her to go, but knowing she had to. They were at work, work to do, lives to save her mother was around too. "We will finish this later, Dr. Shepherd. I intend to punish you for your teasing." He smirked as his tilted his head to look at her eyes sparkling.

"I look forward to being punished, Dr. Shepherd." she laughed as she stepped out of the safe cocoon of his office and into the open hallway that her mother could appear down at any given moment.