82. Chapter 82

Meredith's progressing day in the pit had its fair share of ups and downs. It wasn't that busy and she had no major catastrophes. Some interns who belonged to another resident took issue with taking orders from an equal in their own class.

She handled it with class and dignity telling them she was just doing her job and what was asked of her, if they had issues they could take it up with their resident. They never went and shut up after Meredith didn't cower to their attitude and did what was asked of them.

It wasn't as fun as she thought it would be, more tiring and more work than just doing intern grunt work. She had to monitor every patient, sign every chart, and over see every intern instead of just being assigned one patient like she was used to. She had a sinking suspicion this was punishment for her lateness in her attire as well as Bailey having confidence in her all rolled up into one.

She was rising to the challenge and she was loving it. It was more paper work than she liked, but she was used to that lately since Derek has been pawning his Head of Neurosurgery paper work off on her when he brought it home. Her eyes narrowed at wondering if when he becomes Chief one day she'd end up doing the paper work while he went fishing.

"You look like you have something on her mind." She heard from a stoic strong voice from behind her. She had been so wrapped up in her own thoughts she didn't realize her mother had come and snuck up on her.

"Dr. Grey."

"Meredith, we can cut the formalities I'm pretty sure everyone around this hospital already knows I'm your mother."

"Cut the formalities? You?" Meredith snarked in disbelief.

"Yes, Meredith. Believe it or not I want things with us to be cordial. I've been trying to see Derek, but I have the sneaking suspicion he's hiding from me." Ellis calmly stated while Meredith's eyes went wide while trying to stifle her amusement at Derek running around hiding from her mother.

"I know that I set off my visit with you here on the wrong note however I'd like to change that. I'd like you to join my VIP case. " Ellis asked, but didn't really ask more like dictating that this is what she wanted and Meredith needed to agree. Meredith meanwhile stood there looking at her mother wondering if she had grown two heads or something.

She was in shock that her mother was down in the pit asking her to come work with her, she expected her mother to think she was just the worst doctor ever flying on the seat of her husbands coattails or what ever that saying was.

"Is this a trick?" Meredith asked warily.

"A trick?" Ellis repeated with disdain while rolling her eyes. " Meredith really do you think I have nothing else better to do than to play games with you?"

Meredith still didn't know what to say, but what she did know was that her assignment was the pit not to run off with the visiting attending, even if she was the Ellis Grey and even if she is her mother that she spent years trying to prove herself to, to make her proud. However Meredith realized when she met Derek and his family that she didn't need to do that anymore. They all loved her for her, and whether she came home with an A on a test or a C, they loved and respected her all the same.

"I'm sorry, but I cannot join your case." She started off telling her mother, knowing she wasn't going to be happy. "You have 3 interns already that you chose to be on your case and Dr. Bailey has entrusted me to run the pit since we are short of residents today. I cannot just up and leave the interns here I'm in charge of and not do what was asked of me by my resident." She finished off telling her.

"Very well." Ellis told her monotonely while still not moving from where she stood straight.

"Ok then. I'll just go and do what I was doing." Meredith mumbled wanted away from the weird way her mother was acting.

"I respect you Meredith." Ellis blurted out before Meredith could turn away. Those 3 works halted Meredith in her tracks and froze her from head to toe. All Meredith could repeat in her head was "I respect you" over and over. Meredith had no idea how to respond to that, and before she could think of a way. Ellis continued talking to her and shook her out of her shock.

"I respect you for not just looking at me as some icon that you want to impress leaving your responsibilities here to come with me just because I asked. I also respect you for not leaving your responsibilities here just to try and prove yourself to me. You have a good life Meredith and I'm proud."

Meredith tried to blink, she was proud of her now also? All Meredith could think of was what in the world did the other 3 interns do to her mother to make her lose her mind. "You are well respected around here, you wouldn't be running this area if you weren't on your way to being great. You have a husband, who is talented and gifted but also loves you. A new life here and I am happy for you." Ellis said as she turned and swiftly walked towards the exit of the pit without giving Meredith a chance to catch her bearings or respond at all. When she reached the hallway Ellis turned back around looking at Meredith who was still standing rooted in that same spot looking straight ahead.

"I have time before my lecture, I expect you and your husband to take me out to dinner like usual." She barked out before she turned and disappeared out of Meredith's sight.