83. Chapter 83

"She's gone mad!" Meredith exclaimed very loudly as she unexpectedly barreled herself into Derek's office. Startling him from his paper work causing him to look up in concern. Even his secretary sitting outside turned her head to look at his wife's screeching before Meredith turned and shut the door with such force it shook the hinges.

"I mean, she has really gone mad this time. She yells and disapproves and gives you that look and tone, but this was different. This was really certifiable." She continued on while pacing across the length of Derek's office rapidly throwing her hands around.

"Slow down please and tell me what your mother has done now." Derek calmly told her while getting dizzy at her rapid pacing and arm movements.

Meredith came to a halt at his words, angrily putting her hands on her hips and narrowing her eyes to look at him. Derek knew instantly that he was in trouble now and shouldn't have told her to stop the pacing. Because of instead of his rug bearing the brunt of her anger it was now going to come at him.

"You want to know what she did? You want to know? She came into the pit and she told me... my mother... Ellis Grey. Told me that she was proud of me."

Derek's eyes widened in shock at that piece of information. He silently wondered if Ellis had gone mad. Of all the things Ellis could have done to tick Meredith off, that was not what he was expecting. He actually was never expecting Ellis to utter those words to Meredith as long as any of them lived. Which considering how stubborn the woman was, he was expecting Ellis to outlive them all.

Meredith started pacing again and now more flustered and restless than she was before at the recounting of the events that recently transpired. "No wait, first she came and told me that she wanted me to work on her case, and then I asked if this was a trick and she got all defensive and then I told her no. I told her no, and then she started sprouting endearments. Endearments, Derek!" she yelled with a huff before continuing on.

"She said how she respected me for telling her no." She exclaimed while rolling her eyes, throwing her hands in the air while Derek just continued to sit there with the look of disbelief on his face. Opting to stay silent now since he was speechless as to what he was hearing.

"She said she was all respecting me, happy for me, she babbled on praising you, she was proud some more, then she ordered us to have dinner with her tonight." She finished up as she slowed her arm gestures and pacing to come stand in front of Derek's desk waiting for his response to all this.

Derek blinked not knowing what to say, needing time to process. This did not sound like the Ellis Grey he's known for almost a decade. It made no sense to him where these declarations would come out of nowhere.

Finally finding his voice, his blue eyes softened and sparkled with hints of amusement looking at Meredith's flustered cute face and stance before telling her "She may need a psych consult."

Meredith burst out laughing at him, a sly smile brightening up her face for the first time since she ran into his office before giggling out "That's what I'm saying." While plopping herself tiredly down in his guest wing chair propping her feet up on his desk.

While the two laughed together.