84. Chapter 84

After a quick bite to eat in Derek's office which had them both hiding in there away from her mother, Meredith ran back to the pit to finish out her shift. Derek had made reservations at an Italian restaurant not far from the hospital so her mother could be back quickly for her lecture.

Meredith thought about attending the lecture. Everyone was buzzing about it. Interns, residents, attendings all a flutter at hearing Dr. Ellis Grey speak live in their hospital. It was the same as a superstar singer coming and performing a concert in the medical world.

Meredith had joked to Derek earlier that for those couple hours all the patients are going to be on their own since all the doctors will be in the auditorium. They both decided after dinner they'd go home afterwards and not join the cattle call. They both had heard her mother lecture before and after an exhausting shift of running the pit, her mother becoming a pod person and still the unknown events at dinner. She'd pass on more medical jargon for hours lectured from her mother.

"Dr. Shepherd," she heard the Chief call to her as he approached. He looked scared to approach her and guilty, Meredith remembered Derek angry at him. Derek must have been really angry to make the Chief look like he does right now. She decided quickly to put him out of his misery, because it saddened her to see the older man who was a father figure to Derek and her all these years beat himself up.

"It's okay, I'm fine and my mother is even going to dinner with us later. There's nothing for you to look like that for." She blurted out with a smile.

"Look like what?" he asked in confusion.

"The look on your face like your dog died." She laughed.

"I made mistake, Derek was really angry. I should have told Derek about..."

"It's okay, really," she interrupted softly looking at him with soft eyes to let him know that she had no ill feelings towards how she found out about her mother arriving at Seattle Grace. "You know Derek, he'll get mad and stew but he's probably already over it." She smiled reassuredly to him.

"Thank you, so I saw your fellow interns at the café and vending machines. Grabbing snacks for your mothers lecture to go stand in line to get good seats. Will you be joining us this evening? I believe Dr.Yang called it the perfect lecture evening" he chuckled.

"To her I guess it is and there's nothing wrong with that. But I'm going to pass on the lecture. My perfect evening is a bit different." She smiled with a sparkle in her eyes. "All I want to do is go home. Put on my husbands oversized NYU sweats and curl up in his arms to watch mindless reality TV and eat pizza." She giggled. "That sounds like heaven to me."

Chief Webber smiled proudly at her perfect evening, knowing that the apple fell far from the tree and Meredith was going to be the best of both worlds. Wife and doctor, she knew what was her personal life and made her happy and she knew what work was. Work would never be her life.

"Sounds like a relaxing evening, have a nice night." He called out to her before leaving the pit.