88. Chapter 88

After dropping off her stuff in Derek's office and quickly changing into her scrubs in his office. That he insisted on watching her do because he said it's the right way to start his morning. Meredith hustled down to where she had to meet Dr. Bailey and the others. Insisting to herself that she will not be late today.

As she reached the intern locker room and entered, she breathed a sigh of relief that Dr. Bailey had not arrived yet. Alex, Izzy, George, Cristina and other interns were all still dressing so she was on time.

She instantly heard Cristina loudly telling Izzy how amazing it was and Meredith knew what the discussion was about. They were discussing her mother's lecture and Meredith internally groaned knowing at what was coming.

"I didn't see you at the lecture" Izzy said but looking at her differently. Before she'd look at her with jealousy, disdain, now she's looking at her like a normal person. Friendly even, Meredith wondered what brought that change on and if it was just a trick to get to her husband.

"She probably has seen and heard it all." Meredith heard Cristina mutter. Perhaps they changed brains, Cristina had been a bit nice and now she's acting like the jealous one, while Izzy's being all friendly. Before Meredith could even answer Izzy's original statement Dr. Bailey came in and everyone rushed to finish dressing while Meredith stood there all finished. Looking at her up and down noting she was on time and dressed.

"Shepherd, nice to see promptly dressed and ready. You're with the Chief today in general. He requested you specially, you can find him in his office."

"Yes, Dr.Bailey " Meredith told her as she left the locker room without even bothering to glace behind her to see the looks she must be getting for now being requested by the Chief. Her husband, her mother, her brother-in-law. "I'd hate me too if I was one of them." She muttered to herself as she took off towards the elevator bay punching the up button with force as she impatiently waited for it to arrive.

As the bell dinged and the doors opened she stepped on glancing up to see its other occupants. She was greeted by only one other occupant. She was met with a sight that made her heart skip a beat.

Her husband leaning back against the elevator wall with his legs crossed and smirk on his face.

She nibbled on her bottom lip while the elevator doors closed behind her and she resisted her urge to jump him right then and there. She knew he was thinking the same thing as she saw his eyes darken and glance up to the moving numbers and down again back to her lips.

She shook her head in a warning 'no' as her face broke out in a wide smile and she turned around to face the elevator door as he stood behind her. He took a step forward, pushing his body forward from his leaning against the wall and wrapping his arms around her waist pulling her back towards him as she started to giggle. They still said nothing while he buried his face in her hair inhaling and closing his eyes as the elevator dinged singling his floor had been reached.

Sighing, he turned her body to face his, leaning down to place a light kiss on her lips, then on her cheek, then on her nose. Before whispering in her ear, "Have a good day Dr. Shepherd" and stepping out of the elevator with a matching grin to hers and a swagger in his step.

She was floating and had to remind herself to breathe, thinking now that's the way to start a day.