89. Chapter 89

"You've reached Dr. Mark Sloan. I can't answer your call at the moment. If this is an emergency please hang up and dial 911. If you just want to speak to my fabulous self, you know the drill."

Derek hung up before reaching the beep, thinking that asking him if he proposed or mentioned moving to Seattle would be big no-no's to put on his voice mail. Especially since Addison had access to his cell and messages.

He knew that Meredith had faith in Addison and Mark, he wasn't too sure though.

He loved his wife more than anything and she loved him fiercely the same. His mother always said that they had something unique, something special. Something that she had never seen or experienced before that Meredith and Derek together were the definition of a whole, they couldn't exist without the other half. Which made Derek think that Meredith believed everyone's relationships and being in love was the same and as much as they did.

That was the problem, he couldn't help believing that Addison and Mark weren't two halves of a whole, but each two separate wholes.

He didn't doubt his honorary brother was going to take the offer made to him, it's just a matter if he'd be arriving alone ready to go on a mission to bed the entire nursing staff. Or if he'd be arriving with a fiancée, ready to go put down roots and find himself a home.

"You've reached Dr. Addison Montgomery. I can't answer your call at the moment. If this is an emergency please hang up and dial 911. If not please leave a message and I will get back to you. Thank you."

Meredith quickly snapped her cell phone shut. She had been waiting for the Chief to finish a meeting with the board before being his intern for the day for what ever the Chief does. She was hoping that she didn't have to do more paperwork, she gets enough of paperwork from Derek pawning his off on her. Which is something she has to remember not let out of the bag to the Chief.

She decided to give Addison a call since she and Derek hadn't heard anything back from Mark or her since he left Seattle. She knew the second they got engaged Addison would have called not caring what time it was or zone they were in. So she knew that Mark hadn't asked yet.

She had to admit that Derek's doubts about Addison moving all this way for Mark were starting to seep into her mind also, she just couldn't believe though that she'd give up on love. She knew no matter what she'd never be able to give up on Derek, home was where ever he was and she'd go to the ends of the earth for him.

Although now she was wondering if not everyone had the same all consuming love they shared. She'd do anything for Derek, she loved when they'd drop everything to go on a surprise weekend away. When she was done exams or before she'd start Derek would whisk them away to relax. Sometimes to far islands but just some times to quiet bed and breakfast's in Maine or Martha's Vineyard.

But she remembered one time Derek convinced Mark to do the same, to relax a bit and take away the "being a Resident" stress. Mark wanted to go away for a weekend and Addison said she couldn't take the time off. When really she could have, she just didn't want to. She was competing with this jerk for Chief Resident and a 2 day lover's vacation would have given him the edge.

Addison loves Mark, she knew that, just how much was now what she was questioning.

Moving across the country for the other was nothing to Derek and Meredith, but now Meredith couldn't help thinking it was something big to Addison and Mark.
