91. Chapter 91

"I made another friend." Meredith said with glee and a smile as she approached Derek at the nurse's desk while he signed a chart.

"Hey, thank for lunch" he smiled as he saw her, leaning in to kiss her cheek before straightening up going back to her original statement.

"You made a friend?" He asked in surprise, but his face beaming at how happy she looked and that she knew he'd be starved and despite having a busy intern schedule found the time to get him lunch and leave it on his desk. With a wifely note ordering him to eat it since he'd been in surgery so long, before signing off with an 'I love you'.

"Well. I guess... kind of." She trailed off biting her lip.

"Who?" he asked not believing how anyone would not want her as a friend.

"Ummm, no laughing. Promise me."

"Why do I get the feeling I won't like this." He mumbled, before getting a thought. "This friend better be female." He said with narrowing eyes considering the first time she said she made a friend it was Alex Karev. While Meredith laughed at his irrationally and unnecessary jealousy.

"Yes she's female, it's Dr. Stevens." She said with a straight face. While he looked blankly at her and raised an eyebrow in confusion. Not knowing if he heard right and waiting for the punch line.

"Dr. Stevens? You're friends with the blond intern who made you rush into my office within hours of your first day to check my wedding ring location" he asked back trying not to laugh.

"Well yes, may be we're more not friends but cordial friends in bonding over bad mothers?" she said thinking back at all Izzy had done since they met. The catty looks, the wanting of her husband, the jealousy in the OR, the pissing Derek off.

"Ok honey." He said with a smile.

"You're patronizing me." She accused putting her hands on her hips in feign anger that made Derek think she was so cute. That he just smiled, tilting his head to the side while taking her all in.

"No I'm not." He leaned forward to kiss her nose before continuing. "You are a great friend, and Dr. Stevens would be lucky to have you. Just do me a little favor."

"What?" she pouted with a smile.

"No bringing her over to our house" He tried to say with a smile before he burst out laughing and she joined along with him.

"You have no worries about that Dr.Shepherd." she whispered as she wrapped her arms around his waist pulling his body closer to hers. Not caring at all that they were on the 4th floor in front of the entire nurses station where they were being watched and she was being stared at for openly touching the hot new attending all the nurses and basically everyone wanted. "We're co-workers cordial friends, not bringing her home to our house like friends."

"Good." He murmured

"Good. She knows you're mine." She said before she pulled his head down to hers, moaning as his lips nibbled on hers. As fast as she had crashed her lips on his, she pulled back. Remembering their location quickly, shyly looking at him, his swollen lips and his eyes saying he wanted more and now. "And so does everyone else." she smirked.

"Dr. Shepherd. My office, 15 minutes." He huskily whispered in her ear as he grabbed the chart. At least he hoped it was the chart he had been working on before being pleasantly interrupted by his gorgeous wife.

"Yes. Dr.Shepherd." she replied sheepily with a grin.