92. Chapter 92

"So I have a surprise for you." Derek winked as they walked out hand in hand to towards the parking lot to head home for the evening. Derek had finished up two hours prior but since Meredith had longer hours had spent the time finishing his paper work.

Meredith had insisted he go home without her and she'd catch a cab to the ferry and he could pick her up from there. However, Derek had other plans. Plans that included her getting her surprise he had ordered her days before, prior to mother's popping up, Mark's engagement, or non-engagement and job issues and what ever else had transpired in the past week.

With all the interruptions and other things that occurred this week, she had completely forgotten her job of trying to find out what he was hiding. He expected her to remember pretty soon and he wouldn't be able to lie to her, so her getting her new present was going to happen today. It couldn't come at a better time because tomorrow she was do in at 6am and he wasn't due in until his first surgery at noon.

"A surprise, huh?" she smiled. "Is this the secret you've been keeping since Mark was here?"

Derek groaned at her amazing memory. "I was hoping you'd forget that."

"Me? Forget something my husband was keeping secret? Never. I was just giving you a false sense of security with the whole Ellis visit before I tried to figure it out" she laughed as he unlocked the car door and opened it for her to get in.

"You are a sneaky woman, Dr. Shepherd." He smirked as he finished dumping their bags in the trunk and getting into the drivers seat.

"Ha ha says the man who's hiding something from his lovely wife? So what's my surprise?" she squealed practically bouncing in her seat.

"You know the answer to that question." Derek laughed at her as he navigated the SUV towards metropolitan Seattle.

"Yeah yeah 'it wouldn't be a surprise if I told you' I know" she muttered in a Derek tone which caused him to laugh even more at her annoyance, she always got flustered when she couldn't figure out a gift or surprise for her. Even little things like when he said he'd bring home something new for dinner, she'd be bouncing wanting to know what it was.

"A little hint" she asked sweetly pinching her fingers together to show now space between them to illustrate her point.

"Umm no." he smirked. "You will just have to be patient and see, this present is already coming too early."


"Because, that's your hint."

"That the present is coming early, that's a bad hint." She huffed sulking in her seat turning her head out the window to try and see where they were headed despite the dark skies.

"I have a feeling that if we ever took a road trip with our kids, it would be you who kept asking 'are we there yet' and not the kids." Derek laughed at her.

"We'd all gang up on you, annoy you into being one of those dads that threatens to turn the car around." She giggled.

Derek shook his head at the thought of that, the amazing images of Meredith and a car load of their children. They used to talk about it all the time, they were very careful while she was in college and he was doing his internship. They knew it wasn't a good time for them, but ever since her last year of med-school their carefulness had decreased. They were more, when it happens it happens now. Right now, having the house done is what they're waiting for because bringing a baby up in a trailer would definitely make them a bad country song.

"I can't think of anything better." She whispered breaking him from his day dream.


"Little babies, our babies, part of me and you. I can't wait." She smiled with glistening eyes looking into his own reflecting the same sentiment.

"Neither can I, neither can I" he whispered while taking her hand in his. Linking them in his lap as he continued the drive to their destination.