93. Chapter 93

"Close your eyes," Derek whispered.

"Derek…"Meredith tried to protest.

"Close them!" he ordered.

"Fine" she huffed.

"Are they closed?"


"Really or are you humoring me?"


"Close them."

"Ugh they're closed. I swear"

"Ok, don't make me get a blind fold to tie you up?"

"That sounds like fun." She giggled.

"No teasing now."

"You're the one who brought up tying me up."

"I give up. Don't move. " Derek said as he stopped the car in front of the car dealership and got out of the car.

Running over to the passenger side to open the door and help her out. "Keep them closed." He whispered as he put his hands over her closed eyes and helped her from the car. "They're closed." She smiled as she tried to feel and smell where they were and coming up empty. "I give up, I have no idea where we are or what your surprise is. You win Derek." She laughed.

"Ah, so finally I succeed in surprising you." He said as he placed a kiss on her neck as he pulled her back towards his body. Both of them standing still facing the car dealership. A while his hands still covered her closed eyes. Leaning into her ear, he whispered "ready?"

"Hmm yes" she quietly said as he lifted his hands so that her eyes fell on the large shiny object in front of her with a huge red bow. Gasping and putting her hands to her mouth she quickly turned around with tears starting in her eyes to look at Derek to see if this was for real.

"Is that...that is, is…" laughing at her speechlessness Derek jumped in.

"That is all yours. It's your early Christmas present since we needed another car sooner rather than later."

"Derek" she said in a breathily tone as she walked over to the car and ran her hand across the new car. Derek knew she was in awe of her gift, but knowing his wife her freak out about it's cost would come fairly soon.

"We can't, you can't. It's too much." She said quickly turning towards him again. While he just laughed at how cute her face was all freaking out.

"We can and I did. You wanted a new car, and you got one." He smiled.

"A car Derek, a new car. Like other normal people cars. Not a car that costs more than the trailer we live in or more than peoples houses! A normal SUV or a 4 door sedan or something."

"You want to drive a 4-door sedan?" he asked amused.

"No, not really but that's not the point." She huffed out annoyed.

"Meredith. We're not normal people. If I do say so myself I'm the number one neurosurgeon in the country. I wanted to buy my wife a car that I would love just as much as her and proud that I bought her. One that we both know we can afford and then some."

"I love it, it's amazing. But, I'm just an intern. The day I showed up with your car they were all judgy."

"No buts and you're not just an intern. You're my wife, my wife who needed a new car and I got her one. It's my job to take care of you, my job to put that gorgeous smile on your face. I don't care about judgy interns, only you and making you happy. It's not my fault you didn't specify you wanted some station wagon sedan" he laughed.

"Shut up" she said slapping his arm. "It's just George takes the bus, and Izzy was homeless, Cristina rides this bike and I don't know how Alex gets to work. But I'm going to show up in a car that most people only dream of being able to afford someday after all the internships and residencies are over. You just make me feel so special and different. What did I do to deserve you?" She whispered.

"You are special, you're special to me. You're my wife, I worry if you're late. I worry if you were driving something I didn't trust. As for deserving me, I ask myself that question everyday when I wake up in your arms. What did I do to deserve this amazing woman to love me and put up with me all these years? You stayed up with me when I did all nighters to quiz me. Or when I had 48 hour shifts as an intern and you'd bring me breakfast, lunch, and dinner while all the other interns were stuck with vending food snacks. Or when I couldn't sleep and you'd come over and crawl into an on call room bed with me just so I could rest in-between pages."

"You're right I deserve it." She giggled wiping her tears with the back of her hand.

"That's what I'm saying. You deserve it and so much more."

"Who cares what they think. I got myself a Porsche." She giggled putting her hand out palm up as a signal she wanted her keys. Derek smirked looking at her open palm knowing what she wanted but refusing to give in.

"You want something?"

"Yes, my keys please."

"Rules first..."

"Rules?" she rolled her eyes. "No rules, we have rules for your Porsche this one is mine and mine is rule less. That's its only rule, that there are none."

"Yes rules don't go too fast please."

"I promise." She smiled widely at him, trying not to jump up and down over her new car.

Grabbing the keys from his pocket he dropped them in her hand before, placing a quick kiss on her cheek and making a run back to his car. Leaving her confused before yelling back towards her "race you home"

"You're on Shepherd" she yelled back, quickly unlocking and jumping in her new car. Her new car her amazing wonderful husband bought her. She deserved it and she was proud of how lucky she was.

AN: Really trying to get a 2nd chapter up this week cause I'll be busy to do it next. :)