94. Chapter 94

"You cheated! It wasn't fair." Meredith pouted as she ran into the trailer while Derek had already reached home and had changed clothes already.

"Which one is it? Was it not fair or did I cheat?" He asked laughing as he came up to her and enveloped his pouting adorable wife into his arms, caressing her back in a soothing motion.

"The car is new I didn't know how to use it yet. All the gears and wipers and lights. I was flying blind." She pouted.

"I still won." Derek gloated as he kissed the top of her head and moved around her to start dinner.

"I demand a rematch!" she huffed to him while still refusing to take off her shoes, coat, gloves and even put down her bag. Derek just laughed at her wanting to win and pout over the fact she lost to him.

"Tell you what, you'll get your rematch later after you get used to the car. Don't want you to not know where anything is." He laughed as she narrowed her eyes in anger.

"Fine, I will take you on Shepherd. Name the time and place!" She glared as she stomped back into their bedroom to change out of her work clothes while Derek just laughed at her competitive streak.

After a quiet dinner of pasta and garlic bread, Derek and Meredith settled down on their bed surrounded with his paper work and putting on HBO to see what movies were on. This was how they enjoyed their nights, just a quiet dinner at home just the two of them. Cuddling together in their homebody clothes and watching TV. Meredith laying half on top of Derek her head nestled into the crook of his neck while she glanced at the television. A lot of doctors went drinking after their shifts, went out clubbing to unwind. They just wanted to come home and be together.

Their quiet time was interrupted by the phone, which made Meredith groan since she was just drifting off to sleep despite the bright lights on and the glaring and loud volume of the flat screen still on. Derek's soothing steady breathing, his scent, and his arm wrapped around her waist just made her feel so safe and secure. The loud annoying ring jolted them both. Derek held Meredith in place as she buried her head under a pillow in annoyance while Derek reached over to the night stand and grabbed the cordless phone off its cradle, belting out an annoyed "Hello."

"Did I interrupt sex?" the amused voice of Mark asked.

"Mark? No." Derek asked surprised and answered while Meredith lifted her head out from under the pillow to look up at Derek in shock as well. Sitting up so she could lean on Derek and listen to both sides of the conversation they were about to have.

"Well there's a first, Mere on a shift?" he laughed while Derek rolled his eyes in mocking him.

"Funny and no she's here, we're home."

"Still living in the trailer park?"

"Yes Mark we're still living in the trailer park." Derek said as he rolled his eyes again and Meredith elbowed him in the ribs for calling it a trailer park.

"Ow!" he yelped before deciding to dig himself out of his hole. "Only a couple more months, it's almost done and it's perfect." He smiled looking down at Meredith.

"Well I guess it will be ready in time then." Once Mark said that both Meredith and Derek looked and each other and sat up a little bit straighter, "ready for what?" Derek responded with, playing the game Mark wanted them to play.

"Ready for a couple houseguests until Addison finds a house that's worthy of her." Mark huffed out annoyed but really happy.

"You're coming? You're both coming?" Derek asked back in shock while Meredith started beaming at him.

"Don't sound so surprised, wasn't it you and the Mrs. who was telling me she'd come because she loves me and all that jazz? You had no faith did you?" Mark laughed.

"I did, we did." Derek stuttered out before continuing. "I'm just in shock, so you're engaged. The man whore is engaged, I need time to wrap my head around that." Derek joked as Meredith giggled next to him.

"Well…uh no." Mark told him.

"What? What do you mean no?"

"We never got to that part. I told Addi about the offers and the money, plus it is one of the best hospitals in the country and she agreed so easily..."

"She agreed so you chickened out on proposing." Derek finished the sentence while glancing with a smirk to Meredith, whose eyes had narrowed.

"I didn't chicken out, just postponed. You know, too much change at once, didn't want her to have a heart attack or something."

"Riiight." Derek mocked him before adding "I'm happy for you man, that you're both taking this opportunity, even if you chickened out."

"Thanks." Mark laughed, "Tell Mere I still have the ring, just holding onto it for safe keeping right now."

"Will do, she's happy you're coming too." He said while looking back a smiling Meredith who was reaching into her night stand drawer for something.

"She's happy she'll have her best friend back."

"True." Derek laughed.

"Gotta go man, on call. We have no details or anything so we'll let you know when this will go down."

"Ok, thanks for calling and letting us know."

"Well I couldn't have my brother and jail bate hearing who was coming cross country to join them from Chief Webber could I?"

"No, I guess not. Talk to you soon man."

"Back at ya" Mark said as they both disconnected the call. Derek put the phone back and collapsed on the bed, staring up at the ceiling while Meredith crawled back into her position on top of him before whispering. "I owe you a hundred dollars" as she handed to him what she had been searching for. A crisp 100 dollar bill, which Derek took and started laughing.

"Yes you do," he laughed taking it and putting it on his side of the table. "Told ya he'd chicken out. I win again today."

"Shut up and go to sleep" she giggled, smacking his shoulder as he grasps her tightly and they both did just that with smiles.