95. Chapter 95

It was a cool morning, Meredith had come in alone with her new baby as she called it.

Her car didn't get the reaction she was expecting from anyone other than George. He stuttered and fumbled again at the new car gift from her husband after Alex had blurted out the price and fawned all over it. Izzy said it was pretty and Cristina just grunted and rolled her eyes. "Not a cheery person" that one Meredith mumbled to Izzy as the two left the intern locker room together sharing a laugh.

The news of Mark and Addison's arrival had yet to make the rounds Meredith figured since Alex wasn't jumping for joy of being able to learn plastics from his mentor and number one plastic surgeon.

Over the course of now being friendly with Izzy she had learned that she wanted to specialize in neonatal surgery and with Addison coming Izzy was going to be also taught from the best.

Meredith figured what Mark told them last night was in full confidence until the Chief could put out a memo after all the signatures and proper forms had been taken care of. It was a huge coo to just get Derek, but to have all 3 of them? Seattle Grace was going to be the talk of the surgery world when the news hits. Which is what Meredith figured Chief Webber wanted. Meredith also figured it's the opposite of what Dr. Burke wanted, making a quick mental note to stay out of his way when he finds out the news.

"You won't believe what I heard from a nurse" Izzy said under her breath to Meredith. Meredith wondered if the news about the 2 new incoming attendings had already gotten out. She did not want to hear any gossip about her and Derek from the nurses. She was happy living in a bubble of avoidance. "It's not about you," Izzy told her noticed the look in her eyes of not wanting to hear it. She didn't want to encourage gossip about anyone at all really, but before she could tell Izzy she didn't want to know, Izzy barreled on.

"It's Cristina."

"Cristina?" Meredith repeated shocked while looking back at the locker room door noticing the usually fast to get out and kiss Bailey's ass was not emerging.

"She and Burke, on call room." Izzy told her with a whisper while raising her eyebrows up and down.

"What?" Meredith asked back in disbelief. She couldn't believe it after all the criticism Dr. Burke had given Derek about being with an intern and ruining his chances to be Chief. When Derek and her relationship was nothing like these hospital hook-ups. He'd go and have a sexual relationship with a young intern himself? On hospital grounds no less.

While Meredith had been doing her inner discussion she hadn't even noticed the Chief appear to her right and Izzy's eyes grow wide and back away at being near the most powerful man in the hospital.

"Dr. Shepherd... Meredith? Are you ok?" he asked her noticed her eyes wide and darting back and forth.

"Fine Chief, just fine. I know nothing. Nothing at all." She blurted out rambling while he looked at her confused.

"Her coffee just hasn't kicked in yet, you know how it is." Izzy jumped in noticing that Meredith did not react to gossip or secrets well. Choosing to ignore the jumpy blonde intern and Meredith's odd behavior the Chief continued to ask what he intended when he saw her standing at the nurse's desk waiting for Dr. Bailey.

"Meredith, did you hear the news from Mark?" he asked quietly.

"Yes, sir." She said with a whisper.

"You and Derek..." he started out saying before Meredith interrupted him. "Not a peep." She nodded to the Chief letting him know that the hospital secrets were safe with them.

The news about Dr. Burke and Cristina though was not going to be safe with her, she just had to tell her husband the second she saw him.