96. Chapter 96

Meredith was antsy all morning, of all days Dr. Bailey had to assign her to Dr. Burke's case. She picked today, today when she had just found out about his on call room activities with her fellow intern. She just knew she was going to mess up and say something so she just nodded and tried to say nothing to the cardiothoracic attending at all. Which was going to be hard since his patient Mrs. Simpson looked to need heart surgery today.

He wasn't all that friendly with her either, so her being his intern probably wasn't what he wanted as well. She was still the competitions wife and when he looked at her he saw the Chief position which was no doubt going to her husband. Meredith couldn't help but wonder and giggle if Burke was hoping his intern today was going to be someone else. Hoping for Cristina like how Derek always wants Meredith on his service as his personal intern.

Looking at the serious doctor who wanted to be Chief so badly he thought Derek wouldn't have a shot because he was married to her, she couldn't fathom him ruining his own reputation for just a fling. Being Chief one day seems to be always on his mind.

"Something you want to share Dr. Shepherd?" his voice boomed towards her as she was reading the patients chart.

"No sir, just reading the chart." She replied respectfully while Mrs. Simpson watched the two of them like a tennis match going back and forth.

"Really because you seem to find something funny." He snarked.

"Nope, nothing funny at all." Meredith smiled at him, not letting him bait her at all.

"Fine, pick up Mrs. Simpson's latest blood work then."

"Yes sir" Meredith replied still smiling and quickly departing for the labs.

While making her way to the lab desk she decided to not go swiftly but take her time. She couldn't help but remember Dr. Roberts from Mount Sinai where Derek did his internship. He was just like Burke, always jealous of Derek.

Meredith had just gotten out of her bio class and had time before her physics class to run Derek something from lunch. He had been on call since yesterday afternoon and she knew he was no doubt exhausted and wanted to come home now. Grabbing him a salad and pasta lunch from a good Italian restaurant near the hospital, she ran to the nurse's desk to see where he was.

"Excuse me, can you page Dr. Shepherd please." She asked the nurse at the desk. It was a new one today, she had gotten to know the evening shift ones around dinner time. The day staff she was still getting to know.

"You're here too see Shepherd?" A voice came from behind her, looking her up and down in way she knew her new husband of a few months would not like. She read the tag and realized it was his fellow intern Dr. Roberts, or the jackass as Mark and Derek called him. He was very competitive and was willing to stomp on anyone to get to the top of their intern class.

"Yes, I am." She replied clutching the take out bag of lunch before trying to ignore the doctor and turn back to the nurse.

"Oh isn't that rich. Wish I could afford delivered lunch. His mommy sends delivery for him? He thinks he's too good for cafeteria food." He muttered out loud.

It took Meredith a few seconds to understand that comment. This guy thought she was a take out delivery girl bringing Derek lunch he ordered? Or his mom had ordered? Meredith could help but look at the man like he was crazy. No wonder Derek and Mark hated this guy. He got jealous and vindictive over everything.

Before Meredith could correct the jerk and give him a piece of her mind, she heard her name being called."Meredith?""Oh, Dr. Webber hi." She told him with a smile watching out of the corner of her eye Dr. Robert's face drop at her personal greeting. "Dr. Roberts, have you met Dr. Shepherd's wife Meredith?" he asked.

"Wife?" Dr. Roberts said back in shock looking again at the young woman up and down. Confused at her young appearance.

"You here again to drop off food for Derek?" Dr. Webber turned back to Meredith seeing her bag of lunch she clutched in her hand.

"Yes I had time off between classes."

"I need for you to talk to my wife, she hasn't ever brought me a sandwich even in 10 years of marriage." He chuckled. "Shep, hit the jackpot with you." He told her making her smile even wider. "Tell him he can have 30 minutes off to eat with you." Dr. Webber told her as he went off towards the elevators and Meredith could only yell a thank you.

"Wife? You're Shepherd's wife, you're a kid and now you're on a first name basis with our attending. No wonder he gets special treatment. " Dr. Roberts muttered again.

"I'm Derek's wife yes and no I'm not a kid and no he doesn't get special treatment he's just that good. Amazing doctor, gifted skills and wonderful bedside manner and yes I'm on a first name basis with Dr. Webber. I was before I even knew Derek, he's an old friend of my mothers. Ellis Grey ever heard of her?" she asked knowing the reaction she'd get from him from name dropping her mother.

"Ellis Grey? The Ellis Grey is your mother?" he asked in shock.

"Yes, well actually she's more Derek's mother than my mother. She just adores him. Wants him to be just like her" She smiled with a laugh as she walked away with that pot shot after seeing Derek coming out of the elevators to go greet him with a kiss, pulling his hand to drag him to the intern lounge to eat in privacy and enjoy being with him for the next 30 minutes.