98. Chapter 98

Meredith had spent all morning now feeling a bit under the weather and dealing with Dr. Burke and his patient, his labs and his moodiness. Now she was finishing all his post op charts while he took off to who knows where, may be into a closet with Cristina.

After working through lunch and helping get his OR ready because according to Dr. Burke she was "still an intern even if her husband and the Chief forgot." She had concluded that the sex couldn't be that good with him and Cristina if he was still treating people like crap and had a stick up his ass. It was the only deduction she could make because he was really pissy and she just wanted out of his way. It had to be bad sex she rationalized.

She remembered once when Mark and Addison had a bad sex period when they were having problems and spent the rest of the week avoiding each other. Being angry at each other and everyone in their wake. Derek had found it funny and teased Mark mercifully for weeks about it while Mark was bunking on their sofa.

"It's okay Mark it happens." Derek told him handing him a beer while trying to keep a straight face. While Meredith rolled her eyes as she sat at the kitchen table finishing her English Literature paper.

"Shut up." Mark growled while grabbing his beer and drowning it down his throat without coming up for air.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Derek smirked teasing him now watching how he guzzled the beer bottle, with his grip tightening like he was going to snap it in his hands.

"I said shut up!" he bellowed causing Meredith to jump, looking up at the two and laugh herself at Derek trying to rattle him.

"What do you know you're shacked up with a teen, what do you know about bad sex with the stamina she must have." He fought back while Derek got a serious face, they weren't joking anymore Meredith knew from that comment. Mark bringing up her and sex in the same sentence was not going to sit well with Derek's jealous tendencies.

Without evening lifting her face from her essay she could already imagine the dark glare of menacing look that Derek was sending Mark's way right about now.

"Mark, shut up. You shouldn't dish it out if you can't take it back." She yelled seriously from the kitchen table. As Mark sulked back in his chair with now Derek matching him sulking in his own but smirking at how Mark got put in his place by his wife.

She still hadn't seen Derek yet and that is all she wanted. It bothered her a little bit, like something was missing from her day. He had been due in a couple hours ago for a consult, but she had been in surgery with Burke and now doing the post ops, she hadn't gotten a chance to track down her husband. She knew something had to be up or he would have for sure at least come to the gallery to give her a wave.

She knew that because of his attending status Derek could be late and nobody cared, as long as he wasn't missing surgery he basically could come and go as he pleased. Except she noticed, even if they weren't working together knowing he was somewhere in the building. In his office or working on a case made her feel safe and secure. It warmed her heart that her husband was around and in the same building somewhere.

Mark used to tease that she was pathetic and he was whipped. She giggled figuring it was about time to get used to Mark's public teasing of them again. In know time he'd be back to his old sarcastic comments.

She quickly rushed through the rest of the charting, signing off and handing them in. She needed to find and see her husband, even If he was in some surgery or on the phone. She just needed a whiff and glimpse of him, to help her continue dealing with this day.