99. Chapter 99

She quickly located her husbands whereabouts on the OR board and the reason why he didn't get a chance to find her when he came in. He had been pulled into an emergency surgery the second he pulled up and was now into hour two of a long procedure on a car accident victim in OR 4. She didn't expect him to finish up for at least another two hours considering how the bad the patient supposedly was based on all the procedures listed on the OR board for him.

Other doctors would have given up, that there was too much damage to attempt to repair. That the patient was too unstable for this long and severe a surgery. One that required so much concentration from him that the Chief ordered no interns be allowed and Derek had ordered an OR without a gallery. She wasn't going to get a glimpse of him anytime soon, but she was so proud of what he was doing instead.

Derek was always the optimist. Always the one who wanted to fight for his patients and try his best, give as much as he could. He looked at patients as he would hope a doctor would work on any member of his family, doing as much as they could and not giving up.

The hospital was abuzz as to what was going on in Derek's closed OR. Interns grumbling at being locked out, residents jealous of the rare couple that were allowed in. Nurses and orderlies whispering that Derek had lost the patient 3 times already and brought him back. Meredith giggled when she overheard one nurse call him "God." His ego didn't need anymore inflating like that, she silently hoped nobody mentioned him being God to his face.

She decided to wait like everyone else, she had finished up with Dr. Burke for now. When he needed her back to his beg and call again he'd page her. So for now, she had some time. That she should have gone to get some lunch, but she just decided to wait around Derek's closed OR just like all the other people wanting to know what was going on, if Derek could do the impossible and save this patient that any other doctor would have declared gone hours ago and when he was initially brought into the hospital.

People were also looking at her, eying her like she had news or something which she didn't. She was an intern, true she was the intern married to the God doctor but she was still an intern that was shut out just like the rest.

She didn't even know about what was going on until she wanted a whiff of her husband and to just see him for a second. She could easily sneak into the scrub room with a wife emergency to see him, she realized.

If he was getting restless and frustrated, if he just needed a pick me up. He'd want to see her, she wasn't going to go in there to learn, just to see him. Ignoring all the looks and gasps at her entering the forbidden area after deciding on a plan of action she got up and slipped into the scrub room.

She instantly saw the energy from behind the glass. Derek working furiously to save his patient, his hands full of instruments and barking orders to the sixth and seventh year residents around him.

Nurses gawking in awe and assisting when ever he asked and the Chief standing back to the side. Not helping or assisting just watching Derek work in an awe of his own.

She hadn't gotten her whiff, but she had gotten her glimpse. Smiling at him and being so proud that this amazing man was hers, she felt her heart swell with even more love and adoration. Almost instantly as if he sensed her, which Mark teased that Derek did. Derek looked up from his skilled cuts to see her beaming at him from the scrub room.

He looked exhausted and serious, seriously in need of a break. But the second he saw her and her eyes shining of love and pride of him, he instantly got a smile and sigh of relief to his stress. He got a second wind and knew he could finish what he started and successfully. .

Before she slipped out of the scrub room they both nodded at each other with twinkles in their eyes that shined with silent "I love you's."