101. Chapter 101

The day that had started out not good was looking up. Meredith thought as she now had an added bounce in her step thanks to working on Britney's case. It was fun and light, working with a funny teenager that reminded her once upon a time of herself. Snarky and quick witted, and also being able to help her and give her some personal advice made Meredith feel very good. She hadn't just helped the patient medically, but also on a different level of communicating and helping the patient.

Spending time with Britney had kept her mind off her feelings that she was coming down with a cold at the worst possible time. She was just getting her stride in her new internship, just learning to drive a new car, packing and furnishing a new house that's not even completed and now had incoming Mark and Addison. Getting a cold now isn't what she wanted and she was also now worrying about her husband's patient.

She had taken a quick pace lap around the OR board, glancing to see that the OR Derek had been in for hours was now empty. Derek's name was nowhere else on the board and that made her know that the epic surgery was over. What she didn't know, was what the outcome of the epic surgery was. That was until she heard giggling gossiping nurses behind her.

"It was amazing being in that room with him, watching him save that patient it was the hottest thing ever. He even looked at me." Meredith heard as she rolled her eyes holding back her laughter at the star eyed gossiping nurse. Expertly ignoring the nurses, she took off in a quick sprint towards Derek's office. Gossiping nurses were good for something, Meredith thought as she giggled.

She knew Derek could pull it off and save his patient. She never doubted he'd give it his all and never give up, but whether the patient could survive those massive injuries and multiple surgeries was the question. They both had the will to fight, Derek for his patient and the patient for his life.

As Meredith reached Derek's office, she noticed the locked door and pulled out her key from her bunch and quietly as possible unlocked the door. Seeing him laying on his comfy couch, exhausted and passed out. Still in his rumpled navy scrubs, his runners still on, his hair a mess from wearing the scrub cap for so long, he also had no blanket and no pillow.

Meredith frowned at the sight and his tired state. Locking back the door quietly, she slowly sank down to the floor at the end of the couch and started untying his shoes so she could slowly pull them off his feet one by one without waking him up.

Gently she got each shoe off with him not waking up or making a sound. She knew she wouldn't be able to get him out of his scrubs without waking him so instead she opted to just make him comfortable as possible. Jumping up she went over to the closet,m grabbing one of his pillows and blanket that was folded on the top shelf. Leaning over him she draped the warm blanket over his body tucking it in on the sides of the couch.

Then quickly slipping out of her own shoes, she pulled herself up at the edge of the couch by his head. Then slowly and gently lifting it up before sliding herself under, with the pillow on her lap and placing his head back down in her lap to rest on the pillow. She breathed a sigh of relief he hadn't awoken, glancing down at his still sleeping form and despite his light sleeping habit, noticing he was so exhausted he hadn't stirred once.

Bending over slightly to rest her forehead against his, she placed a lingering kiss on his forehead and whispering to him. "I'm so proud of you and I love you so much, sweet dreams." Her fingers then proceeded to play with his curls in a comforting motion more for herself than him, as she watched her husband sleep his exhaustion away.