102. Chapter 102

Derek slowly started to get restless and Meredith knew it wouldn't be long now before he awoke. She still sat there running her fingers through his hair, his head still laying gently in her lap as she tried to sooth him back to a sound sleep. An hour had passed of just her playing with his curls and trying to encourage him to sleep as long as possible with the home feeling of her near. They never slept well without the other and she knew he wouldn't be that comfy on a couch.

"Shhhh" she whispered in his ear. "You need rest, sleep." It didn't work like it normally did at home and instead his eyes slowly opened, his bright blues clashing with hers as he looked up at her in confusion of how they ended up in this position.

"Hi, sleeping beauty" she smiled at him.

"Hi." He sleepily let out while he morphed into a sly smile.

"You were really tired, you've had quite the day Mr. Superstar surgeon." She smiled back.

"Most stressful surgery ever." He groaned stretching out and rolling over. "The guy coded more times that I could remember. He kept coming back though, he had a strong will to live." He told her, turning his body towards hers more and throwing his arm around her waist.

"You may be mobbed for autographs as we try to leave here tonight." She laughed. "You had a large fan following today. As if it could get any bigger"

"Ugh." He groaned before mumbling into her stomach. "Only one fan I care about."

"Oh I know." She giggled. Knowing he wasn't in this for the praise, the money, the world renowned status. He was in this to do what he did today, save a life that others thought couldn't be saved.

"You think you're ready to go home." She asked him while moving her fingers back through his curls in her soothing motion again. "There's a comfy bed in a trailer just calling your name. I'll drive and we can order some take out, pick it up on our way, eat it in bed in our pajamas. What do you think?" she asked him.

"Sounds perfect, you take such good care of me." He said leaning up to kiss her quickly before settling back down in her lap looking up at her. "Don't think, I haven't noticed you look a bit pale and you're sounding a bit stuffy though. "

"Like I could hide anything from you." She teased him, "I know oh wise one. I think I'm coming down with something. So I'll take good care of you now and tomorrow when I'm coughing like crazy you get to take care of me."

"Compromise huh."

"Yeah, remember the sickness and health line. You today, me tomorrow" She laughed.

"I remember every vow I said." He smiled seriously up at her, leaning up wrapping his hand in her hair, gently pulling her head down so he could capture her lips in a slow deep lingering kiss that reminded her of the one they shared a split second after the priest had declared them husband and wife. Derek not waiting for the 'you may kiss your bride line' grabbed her and kissed her the second he had heard the word 'wife.' While the church full of friends and family erupted in laughs and cheers.