103. Chapter 103

Meredith and Derek had finally made an escape home. While leaving instructions at the nurses station for his patient Derek got a lot of congratulations and pats on the back. He had Meredith's hand locked in a vice grip as more and more people had come up to talk to him about his surgery. When all he had wanted was to go curl up at home and eat, not to mention Meredith looked like she needed some rest.

After signing the last notation, he quickly passed the chart to the nurse. Not waiting for the nurse to converse with him or to tell Meredith he was ready. With her hand still locked in his, he took off quickly and she had no choice to go along with him or lose her arm. He had speed walked them through the hospital and out the doors. Slowing only when he reached Meredith's new car, breathing a sigh of relief they've gotten out of there.

Stopping only to pick up some dinner take out they made it home, turned on the TV and both changed in their sweats to just veg, eat and rest.

"What's wrong?" Derek asked Meredith as she picked at her fettuccini alfredo, which she usually devoured in seconds. Instead she sat there taking little bites and stirring it around her plate to make it look like she was eating.

"I don't know, just not appetizing to me at the moment." She signed while resting her head back against the pillow.

"Fettuccini Alfredo, not appetizing to you? I never thought I'd see the day." He joked.

"Shut up." She pouted. "I'm sick, my tummy aches."

"Meredith, your freshman year of college you had a fever of 103, couldn't move, you were coughing, sneezing, throat was killing you and the second mom showed up with her fettuccini you literally swallowed the entire thing."

"I know I know, but I don't know I just don't feel like it. I did feel like it when I ordered it, I couldn't wait but now I don't want it."

While Meredith groaned and instead took a bite of her garlic bread she failed to notice Derek's mind working. Adding up the fact she was sick to her stomach but other than being a bit pale, she had no flu like symptoms. Something she always ate now the smell was bothering her. He knew they were being careful, but he knew nothing was a hundred percent.

They had talked about it before that no matter when it happened, even if she was in college or med-school, if the pill ever failed it would mean it was their time to bring a new blessing into this world. School would wait, studying would wait, she made it clear if they had a child, and she'd never make him or her wait.

Before Derek could even wrap his mind about what could possibly be, Meredith jerked up looking at him with wide eyes. She had been obviously thinking about the same thing he was.

"Derek…I could be..." she whispered while gently placing her hand on her stomach. With tears in his eyes, crawling closer to her. Derek joined his hand with hers on her stomach and whispered back, "you could be."

While the two just stared in awe with each other and looking down at their now joined interlaced hands resting on her stomach while Derek's thumb gently rubbed circles on her bare skin showing from her raised shirt.

Thinking of the new life they created together through their love.