104. Chapter 104

"Okay, you need a hat, some sunglasses. You got to wear some frumpy non-Derek clothes. Go to a drug store we've never been before, one that doesn't know you. Oh and use cash, don't use your credit card. It's a black American Express and says "Dr. Derek Shepherd" on it, not very secretive. It screams look at me I have a million dollar limit." Meredith rambled.

"Meredith." Derek amusingly called her name, rolling his eyes.

"Oh and don't..."

"Meredith." He laughed cutting her off. "We don't need a covert operation for me to go into town and buy a home pregnancy test."

"Yes we do." She exclaimed loudly which made Derek wonder if they even needed a test at all. She was sick this morning and her hormones seem going nuts, but no way was he going to tell her that with the fear she'd kick him out of the trailer or throw a shoe at his head. Luckily they both had the day off, it couldn't have worked out better because they would definitely need this day free and clear to deal with what ever news they got today.

"Why?" he smiled. He couldn't help it, she looked adorable and even freaking out the fact she was most likely carrying his child made him love her even more and he didn't even think that was possible. He'd have this stupid smile on his face probably for a long time.

"Because Derek! There's like a billion employees at Seattle grace. One nurse or orderly or a cafeteria worker sees you in a Rite Aid on Main Street buying a pregnancy test and before you even make it home for me to take the damn test they entire freaking hospital will know where you were and what you bought."

While Derek thought the disguise was a bit much he couldn't argue with her reasoning's. If anyone did see him it would be around the hospital faster than the stick could turn blue.

"Ok, I'll go to a new drug store. I'll wear a hat and some glasses. But wearing strange clothes Meredith? That would just make people look at me."

"Fine…" she huffed giving in. "but you're driving the SUV, taking a Porsche makes people look at you. So no sports cars."

"And a one hundred thousand dollar white Range Rover, doesn't?" he joked.

"It's more blending in-ish. Just go Derek." She whined, stomping her foot while pushing him out the trailer door towards the SUV. While he laughed at her antics.

Before opening the door he turned back to Meredith, "go back inside and get some rest, try and stomach some crackers and ginger ale. I'll be back as soon as I can, with a whole bunch of tests. No way am I doing this mission a second time." He smiled as he leaned down to lightly kiss her. Then placed his hand again on her stomach before opening the door and getting into the car. He had unconsciously done that all night, he slept for the first time ever with his hand lying protectively across her stomach like he knew already and like his hand being there gave him that connection.

Waving to Meredith, watching as she turned and went back into the trailer. He pulled down the dirt drive way, glancing to the side as he saw the unfinished house. Realizing if this test said what they thought it would, they'd need the house a little bit faster. They'd also need to change one room to a nursery and buy new furniture. If this test was positive their lives were going to change forever and neither of them could wait.