105. Chapter 105

"Derek you don't need to read the instructions, I think it's pretty self explanatory." Meredith giggled and rolled her eyes as she took the pregnancy stick out of the cellophane wrap.

"Then why send these pages of instructions? It must be harder than it looks" Derek mumbled while continuing to read every word on the paper while Meredith laughed at him. He looked and acted the same way every time they got a new appliance or had to assemble the simplest thing like a new coffee maker. He just had to read every word documented.

"Derek, I pee on it, if it's a plus sign it's positive, a negative sign and its negative. It's not brain surgery." Meredith laughed uncontrollably at her husband while he shook his head at her joke.

"Funny, now look it says here we have to wait 3 minutes, we wouldn't know that if I hadn't read the directions."

"It says that on the box Derek. 3 minute results, see" Meredith showed him picking up the box and pointing to the large block font.

"Ok, smarty pants." He smirked as he took the box from her and she took the stick, placed a quick kiss on his cheek and went into the trailer bathroom while he sat on their bed fiddling with the box.

He didn't want to get to ahead of themselves at what after the next 3 minutes could mean. If they were going to have a baby now, their lives would change so much. She just became an intern, they just moved here, the house isn't done. When they were young and just married they both always figured that when the time came they'd have the Shepherd support team around. His mom and all the sisters that definitely knew what to do with babies. Here they're alone, and at least they were getting Mark and Addison soon. Derek looked around the little trailer and chuckled, when realized they needed the house done a bit faster or they'd really will be not be joking anymore, they'd be having the baby in a trailer. Meredith would definitely freak out about that.

He looked up from his thoughts hearing Meredith stepping out of the bathroom, no stick in hand.

"I thought we should wait together." She smiled as she sat beside him on the bed, linking his hands in hers and resting her head gently against his shoulder.

"This is going to be a long three minutes." Derek sighed placing a kiss on the side of her head.

"The longest of our life." She whispered thinking back to the first talk they ever had about having a baby.

"That apartment was nice, small, close to campus and the hospital. What do you think Derek?" Meredith asked as they walked done Columbus Avenue towards the restaurant they were meeting his mom and sisters for dinner at. Derek had been quiet since they left the meeting with the realtor and landlord of the latest condo they looked at.

Now they were going over wedding plans and called it a working dinner. Derek had tried to get out of it, all of the women together going over floral arrangements was driving him nuts. But Meredith had given him those eyes pleading with him not to leave her with them to deal with the crazy wedding stuff alone and he couldn't say no.

"Meredith that landlord said that if we were having a baby we could use the den a second bedroom" he said in a whisper.

"What?" she blurted out while halting her steps instantly.

"He said the small den could use as a nursery one day and I guess it hit me that may be one day it would be." Derek told her. "May be one day it will, we never talked about us and babies, we said we'd have kids one day but I guess we just never really talked about it. Nothing is fool proof it could be next year, or years from now. But when ever it happens no matter when I'll be happy." Meredith rambled and smiled as she leaned into him, wrapping her arms around his waist. Leaning up to beam at him and show him how happy he made her, leaning his head down he lightly brushed his lips with hers before whispering, "one day, Meredith."

"It's time" Derek said, as she leaned up to look at him just like she had all those years ago on Columbus Avenue surrounded by thousands of people walking around the busy city but still only seeing and feeling him.

"One day." She whispered with a smiled up at him, as he got up and opened the bathroom door and grabbed the test from the counter without looking at it and coming back towards her still seated on the bed and taking his seat again next to her. He was waiting for her cue, with tears in her eyes already she leaned her head back down on his shoulder and found her voice to say "I'm ready." Nodding his head he opened his palm as they both stared down at the red plus sign on the pregnancy test. Meredith tears spilled down her cheeks while she couldn't find words as they got the confirmation they were looking for.

"We're having a baby." Derek whispered still staring at the stick in awe.

"We are." She beamed up at him, while running her hand up his back to play with his curls to comfort them both as they continued to look at the plus sign almost like they didn't believe it.
