106. Chapter 106

Gladly that they both had the day off, Meredith and Derek were still wrapping their minds over their unexpected news. Unsure of what to do next, what their next step should be since having a baby was foreign to both of them Derek decided to just go into over protective mode and send Meredith back to bed.

"Derek," Meredith giggled as he tucked her in all around like she was three. She knew he'd do this when ever she got pregnant and she knew she was in for a long long 9 months with hovering Derek. But she wouldn't have it any other way, Derek showing how much he loves her and how he shows that she and their child means the world to him.

"Derek," she laughed, "I think we have time before we need to learn how to tuck this little one in at night." She told him laughing as she patted her very flat stomach. "You need rest and probably a lot of food, anything you want I'll go get it. Even if it's in the next State." He told her lovingly as he lay down next to her on top of the tightly tucked in covers.

"I'm not sending you to another State, I'm not going to be crazy like when Nancy was pregnant last time."

"I'm just putting it out there that I'd go anywhere for anything you and our baby needs, as long as you don't kick me out like she did Roger." Derek laughed.

"That was so funny when he showed up on our doorstep needing a place to sleep because he came home with the wrong brand of potato chips. Don't worry, I need you too much to kick you out." She smiled as she leaned over to place her head to rest on his chest as he brought his arm around her.

"I don't need to worry we have no family here for you to send me to live with." He said jokingly as he laughed as she swatted him with her hand.

"Speaking of which…" Meredith trailed off thinking about the family and what they were going to do about them. "We should wait, until we have facts. You know them, Sam will ask all these questions, Nancy will want lab results and specifics, and Mom will want to know when. Derek we don't have a due date or anything." Meredith's voice rose as she came to the revelation and started panic.

"Mere, its okay" he whispered calming her down. "We'll call Addison and ask her for the name of the best OB here in Seattle until at least she arrives. We'll make an appointment, get facts and take it from there ok?"

"Ok." She replied softly. "It's a lot, so much to do. Derek I'm an intern and we live in a trailer."

"We won't have the baby in the trailer." Derek laughed.

"It's not funny." She squealed trying to sit up while Derek just held her in his arms securely to his chest.

"It'll be fine," he whispered calming her down again while soothingly rubbing her back in circles to relax her. "I'll contact the contractor we'll see if they can work faster. If not we can live in half the house if they can't get it the entire thing ready in time. Or we can live in the guest house, or we can get a rental in town for awhile. We have a lot of options Mere. Don't worry, your job is to just rest."

He reassured her as she mumbled something that sounded like "drill sergeant" before she drifted off to sleep and while he mentally made a list of things they would have to do, get a proper exam for her, start doing, vitamins, talking to the Chief and Bailey about Meredith's schedule, the house, Mark, call the family. They were having a baby and were not ready, but they couldn't be happier to do all these steps to get ready.