107. Chapter 107

"What are you doing" Meredith mumbled as she rolled over in bed to see Derek grabbing her jacket and her shoes as he also grabbed an umbrella and placing them all on the bench by the edge of the bed.

"Waiting for you to wake up." He smiled as he sat on the covers and leaned over to kiss her.


"I got started on our list of things he do. I called Addi for a recommendation, I got us an appointment with an OB in an hour."

"You didn't tell her did you?"

"Of course not, I have ways to get information. I told her I needed a consult from outside the hospital." Derek smirked with pride of his lie since he's usually a bad one.

"Oooh good one." She smiled proud of his accomplishment.

"I know." He laughed beaming at how very proud of himself he was.

"You're such a dork." She laughed, climbing out of bed and grabbing her jacket from where it lay.

"Hey," he acted offended. "I don't think you're allowed to do that anymore." He pouted.

"Do what? Call you a dork." She smiled.

"You can't, he can hear you." Derek said pointing to her still very flat stomach. "No insulting dad when kids are around."

"He? He? We've known I'm pregnant for about oh" looking at her watch. "An hour now and you've already declared our baby a boy?" She laughed, she knew Derek had spent that hour dreaming of fishing trips, camping, and Disney World excursions.

"Just a guess. Based on intuition" He blushed as she put on her shoes and got ready to go.

"I thought I'm the one that's supposed to feel if it's a boy or girl." She told him as she stood and fixed the collar on his Burberry rain jacket he had pulled on quickly.

"Nope, it's me. I can feel it." He laughed grabbing the umbrella and her hand, shielding her from the rain as the departed the trailer and made a run for it to their car.

"We just need to wait on your lab results and in the mean time check your blood pressure and the basics as you know. I will give you a prescription for prenatal vitamins. We'll hook you up for an ultrasound to hear the baby's heartbeat and see how far along you are.Then we'll schedule you in for a more in depth ultrasound in a few more weeks. Do you have any questions Doctors Shepherd?"

Dr. Elizabeth Parker explained to them in the well lit and decorated office on the waterfront. She had come in highly recommend from Addison, had a striving private practice. It was only when Derek dropped his name and title had he been able to get an emergency appointment today, they were initially giving him 2 weeks from now.

"We're just soaking it all in." Meredith told her while Derek held her hand tightly and he was very quiet looking around the room at all the baby pictures and credentials.

"It's ok, first time parents and unexpected also first time parents need some adjusting time. Why don't I go check on your results? You can also change into the gown over there and climb up on the gurney." She smiled using that as an excuse sensing the new parents needed some alone.

"You ok?" Meredith asked turning to him after the doctor had left.

"I just, we're going to, heartbeat. We're here." Derek let out in broken sentences. He was overwhelmed that something they had imagined and dreamt about having for so many years was finally here.

"We're going to hear the heartbeat." She smiled squeezing his hand as he brought their linked hands up to his lips and he kissed the palm of her hand.

Minutes later, Dr. Parker emerged back into the room with a folder of Meredith's results. "Everything looks great Dr. Shepherd, all your levels and blood counts are as they should be. Of course your pregnancy test came back positive." She laughed. As she brought the machine closer to where Meredith lay on the gurney and Derek stood next to her as close as possible without being on the gurney himself as he held her hand.

"I'm sure you know the drill, this will be cold and uncomfortable at first. It also may take a few moments to get a read. So don't be alarmed if we don't hear the heart beat right away. Ready?"

"Ready." Derek answered before Meredith could. While Meredith laughed at his excited and eager tone to hear the heartbeat. "Yes, we're ready." She added.

Dr. Parker applied the cool gel and the wand to Meredith's stomach, however she didn't flinch. She and Derek's eyes were both trained to the screen. Staring at the grainy changing images waiting for the image of their baby to appear. Before they could process what they were seeing, a loud quick repeating thumping beat filled the room. A rapid little heartbeat. Both of them let out breaths they hadn't realized they were holding as they listened to the strong heartbeat of their child.

"That's our boy." Derek said finally tearing his eyes away from the image on the screen to look at Meredith. Both with tears in their eyes, she whispered back, looking up to him.

"That's our boy." As he sat down next to her on the gurney, wrapping his arms around her as their eyes went back to staring at the screen together.