108. Chapter 108

After their first doctors appointment it had been a world wind afternoon for Meredith and Derek. While Meredith wanted to go make sure they had a house in 8 months. Derek wanted to go buy all things blue and boyish for the baby. Meredith although constantly reminding him that they didn't know if it was a boy didn't deter Derek, nor did Meredith's constant reminders that they did not have a house to store all the items he wanted to buy.

Appeasing him with a quick trip to Toys'R'Us where she only let Derek buy a baby baseball play set that probably wouldn't be able to be used for 3 more years. They did take a browse around the cribs and baby nursery area but she refused to buy anything when they couldn't pinpoint a delivery date and a room to put them in. Which prompted Derek to tell her they could put it outside the trailer, which earned him a wack in the arm from his wife and stares from other shoppers.

When they arrived home Meredith quickly went to their room to change out of the uncomfortable blouse and pants she was wearing into some old comfy Victoria Secret Pink sweats. Crawling into bed and wanting to not move while she rolled her eyes and giggling at Derek opening the baby baseball set and starting to read the instructions.

Muffling her laughs into the pillow Derek put down the instructions crawling onto the bed with her, lying next to her brushing her hair from her hidden face. "Something funny?" he smiled at her with a tilt of his head.

"No..." she choked out while still laughing. "Did you get the baseball set assembled and ready to play?" she couldn't help but ask him with an amused tone which had her face glowing.

"Funny huh? You find me reading up on our baby's toy funny." He smiled just so happy and amused at her reaction and behavior. He started tickling her while she laughed and squirmed underneath him. "Take the mocking back."

He laughed her while she shook her head no quickly back and forth. Before she could surrender Derek's cell phone started ringing, jolting them both out of their banter play looking to the side table where the phone lay.

Derek groaned leaning down placing a chaste kiss on her cheek before rolling over to grab the phone and greeting the head contractor for their house who Derek had made a call into before requesting him to call back when he had a moment. Meredith rolled, curling into his side trying to get back to a normal breathing rate and listen to his side of the conversation discussion when they could get the keys to the house.

She heard the contractors laugh and loud "congratulations" after Derek told him they got an unexpected surprise that was going to need his own room sooner. All Meredith could tell was that Derek was pleased with what was being said, agreeing and nodding his head although the contractor couldn't see him. Saying a thanks and see you tomorrow, he hung up the cell throwing it back on the side table before turning to Meredith whispering. "How does 4 weeks sound?"

"Four weeks for what?" she asked confused.

"Four weeks until we move into our house." He beamed for ear to ear while her eyes got wide in shock and amazement.

"Seriously? 4 weeks and we have a house? No baby in the trailer? How?" she squealed rolling over on top of Derek while he laughed holding onto her hips.

"Seriously four weeks, no baby in the trailer. They'll rearrange some plans, focus everything on the interior, and stop doing any exterior and when the house itself is done and we can live in it. Then they'll go back to finishing the exterior, so no pool or fishing dock just yet. But we'll have a house." He smirked.

"Our house, our dream house." She said in amazement.