109. Chapter 109

The novelty and dreaminess of moving into the house in four weeks had worn off by the following morning.

The night had been spent in each others arms and just being together. Derek made enough spaghetti to feed the entire hospital and encouraging Meredith to eat it all. Before allowing her to have the pint of Ben & Jerry's in the freezer.

Meredith awoke the next morning nestled in Derek's arms, but groaning after realizing quickly they would have to re-enter the real world. She would have to get out of bed. They would have to go to work, go back to regular life, converse and deal with patients, interns, and hospital politics. They would have to talk to the Chief and work out a schedule of leave. They had been basking in their news of expecting their first child and soon moving into their new home. Both of them had been sluggish after waking, knowing that they'd have to leave their happy bubble soon.

Meredith dressed in a pair of tight skinny jeans and form fitting knit sweater. Which earned a raise eyebrow from Derek when he saw her emerge from their room out into the kitchen area. He wanted to jump her right then and there, he also got angry at the thought of her going into work dressed so hotly.

"What?" Meredith asked looking down at herself and back to Derek.

"Nothing." He replied far too quickly, knowing that with her pregnancy feelings she was experiencing he would be supporting her no matter what she chose to wear to work. Unless it was something beyond reason that would require him having to beat up every single male in the place.

"I'm going to get fat, I want to wear out the clothes while I still can." She rolled her eyes knowing what was going through his head. "Even if it's just from here to the locker room until I have to put on my scrubs." She added before taking the mug of hot chocolate he had made for her, her first day at work being caffeine free she realized.

"You're not going to get fat, you'll be pregnant and beautiful. With my baby." He beamed with a big smug smile on his face. Meredith laughed at his expression, knowing that if he walked around the hospital looking like that, Dr. Bailey was going to have some insults to throw his way.

"Wipe that smug smile off your face before we get to work, the Chief and Dr. Bailey would know something's up before we meet them." She giggled as she grabbed her bag, keys, and his hand dragging them both out of the trailer and to her new car.

Tossing Derek the keys as got comfy in the passenger seat. Knowing she wanted to drive in the 2-seater car as much as she could before they couldn't anymore.

"What's the plan with the Chief?" she asked him while staring out the window as the car traveled down the road towards the ferry?

"We'll talk to him, then Miranda. Work out a maternity schedule that would have you taking some added hours now to make up for what you will miss later.

"Right, sounds easy enough." She replied nervously while biting her lip scared at how her superiors will take a new intern being pregnant.

"Meredith, you have nothing to worry about. You're advanced, you're skilled. You could take an extended maternity leave and still be ahead of your peers. You know it, I know it, and The Chief and Miranda know it. You have nothing to worry about." He told her seriously as he reached over to take her hand in his and link his fingers through hers feeling as her nervousness left her body and calm replaced it.
