111. Chapter 111

"That went well." Derek smirked as Meredith and he entered his office. Placing their coats and bags in his closet and grabbing their scrubs from the shelf. Meredith had been quiet and a little apprehensive the entire walk from the Chiefs office to Derek's.

He presumed because she knew telling the Chief would be the easiest because of their relationship with him. Telling her resident and telling her interns were not exactly going to be that easy.

Meredith grabbed her scrubs and instead of going to change, she sunk herself down on Derek's coach to rest.

"Hey, you feel ok? Is it morning sickness?" Derek asked jumping into protective mode again, chastising himself mentally for not realizing it sooner.

"Just a little. Was trying not to run for a bathroom the entire walk here" She moaned as she moved to lay down.

"I'm sorry, I'm a fool and didn't realize it. What can I do?" Derek told her looking down, his eyes full of sorrow again blaming himself for not seeing the signs better.

"Not your fault, you couldn't have known. Despite what you believe you're not superman." She tried to reassure him as she grabbed his hand to look up at her, trying to reassure him. "I am going to feel a lot of things over the next 8 months when you're around and when you're not. You won't be able to be with me every second no matter how much you try."

Meredith's eyes glistened with unshed tears she was trying to hold back to be there for him, reassure him like the way he's been helping and being there for her since they found out. "I already feel better already thanks to your couch" she smiled and told him as he nodded. "I helped by having a couch." He lightly joked as he squeezed her hand to let her know he was ok and wasn't going to beat himself up anymore over the small things. He saw she had started feeling a bit better as she was laying down in his office.

Derek joined her on the couch, lifting her legs up and placing them in his lap. Watching her as she relaxed and enjoyed seeing her at peace. He whispered to her "how can I help if I'm not here or don't see it?" showing a rare side of him, a side of vulnerability and fear of failing the most important person in his life.

Meredith opened her eyes, tilting her head to the side. Mimicking his patented head tilt that made him so irresistible to her no mater if she was angry at him, in the OR or just trying to do the dishes. "Well for starters we can stock your office with snacks." She giggled.

"Snacks huh?" he smiled. "What do you have in mind?""Well regular things ginger ale and crackers would be practical. May be some cookies, chocolate bars, and peanut butter cups." She babbled on as Derek raised his eyebrows at her very unhealthy snack choices. "Oooh you need to go buy a mini fridge, we can put it in here and keep ice cream in your office." She squealed so excitedly it caused Derek to laugh and forget for a moment his child may be born a diabetic with these snack choices.

"Ok, ok," Derek laughed raising his hands for her to stop with the ideas. "The mini fridge is a good idea. Practical too, after the baby is born we'd need to keep milk and juice around. Your other snack choices however are interesting, we'll need some Muslix, fruits, and nuts." He told her as she made a grimace and he chuckled. "Just a few things to balance out your choices. It's only fair some of my favorites are fed to our baby too." He laughed as she pouted. "Okay, that's fair."

She smiled up at him, noticing his mood being light again. "We've hidden in here long enough, let's get dressed and track down Dr. Bailey." she said with a sigh, swinging her legs off Derek's lap and making the move to get off the couch and head out for the next round.
