112. Chapter 112

Meredith and Derek hands were gently linked while they walked down the hall for all to see as they sought out Dr. Bailey. After changing and being ready for rounds earlier than necessary. They knew Bailey would be getting ready the assignments for the day while Meredith's other interns were still trickling into the hospital and the spending time in the intern locker room before their shifts start.

Spotting her leaving the residents lounge, Derek hurried in his pace before calling out to her. "Dr. Bailey, Dr. Bailey…"

"I hear you Shepherd, anyone within a five mile radius could hear you." She sighed turning around and halting her tracks to see the two come up behind her.

"They could also see that stupid smile on your face." She added noticing the smirk gracing Derek's face. Meredith started laughing, whispering a quick "I told you so" for Derek's ears only to hear.

"I don't have a stupid look on my face and Dr. Bailey there's something we need to discuss with you in private." Derek told her a bit warily after realizing she was not in a good mood.

"Would what you have to tell me have anything to do with that very stupid look on your face?" She asked while Meredith erupted in more laughter and Derek ushered all of them back into the residents lounge, glancing around to make sure it was empty inside.

"Yes, it would." Meredith answered her question while still laughing.

"Well out with it then, I don't have all day." Dr.Bailey huffed getting flustered at the theatrics.

"Well.."Meredith started off glancing at Derek, her laughter quickly disapating to a serious and scared tone of having to announce her pregnancy to her resident.

"Oh give me a break I don't have time for this. Have you told the Chief yet you will need a mat leave?" Bailey asked while watching as Meredith and Derek's eyes went from apprehension to shock that she figured out what they were attempting to say.

"You know?" Meredith gasped looking instantly down to her stomach to check if she was showing. While Derek simultaneously answered "yes." To Dr. Bailey's question.

"I have a 3 month old at home Dr. Shepherd, yes I know. I could see and notice the signs." Looking down at her file and reading the long term schedule before addressing them again. " We'll factor in morning sickness into your schedule for the next few months. Your shifts will start and end later in the day than the others. When I think you can no longer work, which I presume will be around the 8 month mark. You will go on maternity leave, no ifs or buts about it. Understood?" She questioned Meredith, as Meredith nodded in agreement and Derek stood there still with his smirk.

"Ok, we'll deal with the maternity leave schedule later. I also presume we'll be one head of neurosurgery down also during that time?"

"Yes, I will be taking pat leave." Derek spoke up.

"Alright then, Meredith we have rounds in 5 minutes. Send your husband off on his day, hopefully he doesn't kill patients with that goofy look on his face." Bailey told them as she reached and opened the door into the hallway before halting and looking back at the two of them still rooted in their spots.

"Oh and also congratulations. I'm happy for the both of you." She told them sincerely with a smile as she shook her head and departed out of the residents lounge.