113. Chapter 113

After a long morning of rounds, scans, the pit and a quick surgery. Meredith had dragged her tired self to Derek's office collapsing in his chair. Resting her head back to recharge while she glanced at the few photos that graced the picture frames on his desk.

Years of photos from his arms wrapped around her at high school graduation to their wedding day, to his arms wrapped around her again on their college graduation days, a couple vacations including a trip to Disney World she laughed remembering it was the first time he took her there or she had been at all.

She needed to recharge with a quick nap. She made her tired limbs over to the closet grabbing a blanket and slowly crossing back across the room. She collapsed on the sofa, her eyes instantly falling a shut with her hand instantly moving to rest on her still non-existent baby bump a smile gracing her face still thinking of the past photos on her husbands desk and the new additions he'd be adding once their baby was born.

"I'm not riding the teacups with you." Meredith whined as Derek dragged her towards the line anyways.

"Oh come on Mer...It'll be fun." He whined you've never ridden them with me before. The other day with the twins yes, but never us alone."

"Derek all these kids are like five, we don't even have any of the kids with us to give off the illusion that we are chaperoning the children. We're 2 married adults alone in fantasy land going on the teacups." She laughed as he pouted but still stood routed in the line that looked to be around a forty-five minute wait surround by families of all sizes.

"We're practicing and scoping out the ride for when we do have kids. It's like preparation." He nodded with bright eyes, obviously full of himself and proud of his argument.

"So we're riding the kiddies' rides, not because you're a big baby who loves these rides and reliving your childhood but because we're testing them out for our future children?" She giggled at his response, "and at what age did you intend to bring these future children here?"

"Oh every year. Family tradition." He smirked at the thought of carry his child around the park or pushing her stroller to meet Mickey Mouse for the first time like he had watched all his sisters and their husbands do before.

"You'll be more excited than the kids, you already look more excited than the kids." She laughed, wrapping her arms around his waist pulling him in closer at the images flowing through her mind at what coming to Disney World would be like with their own family. "What am I going to do with you?" she asked jokingly.

"Go on the teacups." He laughed back, brushing his lips gently against her temple as they took a step forward in the line together.