114. Chapter 114

Meredith was so tired and in reliving her past in her peaceful dreams she didn't even stir as the couch she was curled up on got more crowded. Nor did she tire when an arm wrapped around her waist pulling her snugly towards her husband's warm body.

Derek had entered his office minutes prior noticing his sleeping pregnant wife, he shut the door quietly. Shrugged out of his lab coat and took off his trainers, so he could curl up next to his wife on his couch.

Holding her in his arms as she peacefully slept and dreamed. The scent of her body lotion and conditioner making him feel at home and peaceful himself as he too drifted off to sleep.

Derek groggily awoke thirty minutes later after feeling some movement in his arms and hearing giggling coming from his now very awake wife who still lay in his arms but was seeming to try and untangle her way out of his locked arms.

"What are you doing?" he mumbled still groggy pulling her closer to his body.

"I'm stuck." She giggled, feeling much better after her nap and ready to get back to work only to notice herself blocked in by her sleeping husband. She was also now starving and was dying for food, a lot of it.

"You're not stuck, you're mine. I got you right where you belong." He told her emphasizing his point by pulling her back as she fell on his chest laughing as he locked her in hug refusing to let her up.

"Derek I need food and I need to work."

"Food huh?

"Yes, food you know for your unborn child. I think he wants fries. No nachos may be some of both." She pondered as Derek's fact got a little grimace at the food choices.

"How about a salad to go with all that grease." He tried to compromise.

"With cheese on top?"

"As long as it's a salad you can put what ever you want on top." He smiled kissing her gently on her lips, as he motioned them both off the couch so he could take her down to the cafeteria.

"Where are you going?" She asked noticing he was also making the move to put on his lab coat and trainers to head out.

"To be your food police." He smirked and truthfully admitted as she laughed swatting his arm and giving him a mock glare.

"At least you're honest about it." She mumbled as he locked the door behind them.