115. Chapter 115

While Derek got in the cafeteria line to get their food, Meredith found and sat at a secluded table in on the outdoor patio where she could see the hospitals sprawling grass hills and a view of the mountains in the distance.

She could also see from her isolated spot straight inside the cafeteria. Her fellow interns were huddled together at a small table devouring hot dogs like they were having an eating competition. She could see some nurses at the table next to them ogling Derek and staring at some other older doctors. The table over held a few residents finishing their charting and scattered tables around had people sitting by themselves just eating their lunch.

She turned her head to see Derek heading her way with a very full tray array of foods. Including two salads, nachos, burger, brownies, a hot dog, and fries. She laughed as he gently lowered the tray to the table breathing a sigh and taking a seat next to Meredith smirking at the way her eyes lit up seeing all her favorite foods on the tray.

"Derek, I don't know where to start." She giggled.

"How about with this?" He told her knowing what her reaction would be as he passed her the salad to see her rolling her eyes and grabbing a fry instead.

"These people watching us are going to think we're crazy for eating all this food." She mumbled as she took a bite out of the burger.

"No, no, just you since they're going to see you devour this entire tray all on your own." He laughed as he opened his salad as she glared at him out of the corner of her eye but still kept chewing along.

"You're supposed to be supportive you know, making fun of your pregnant hungry wife eating foods is not being supportive." She whined as she waved her plastic fork around before stabbing it into the fries again to grab a bunch while Derek just looked on at her choosing to be silent.

"Now you're smirking at me with that nodding your head and that glinty look in your eye that shows you think this is adorable." She rattled on annoyed as his smile got wider.

"It is and you are very adorable." He whispered quietly as he leaned in and placed a kiss on her cheek while she still glared. "Especially when you're pouting all annoyed at and pregnant with my baby."

"Behave and eat a fry." She abruptly told him as she picked up a fry and put it in his mouth. "So these people don't think I'm eating for two." She pushed some nachos towards him as well as she grabbed a salad and drenched it with salad dressing.

"You are eating for two." He pointed out arching his eyebrows.

"They don't need to know that." Meredith exclaimed waving her hand around to emphasize all the people surrounding them in the cafeteria. As he shook his head laughing at her antics.

"You do know they'll figure it out." He told her realizing that her fellow interns were going to need to be told their fellow intern was expecting.

"I know" she signed, "I just want to do it on my own terms and not like all the other bombs of my life. You, mother dearest, I don't want them finding out from seeing me eating for two or running to the bathroom every five minutes."

"We've already told Chief and Bailey, it's going to get out once schedules and leave forms start circulating on their assistant's desks."

"I should tell them today shouldn't I?" she asked knowing that is what he was hinting at wanting her to do.

"You should tell them today." He agreed picking up nacho and handing it to her as she snatched it. "After my nachos." She mumbled with a full mouth."