116. Chapter 116

After her lunch with Derek, Meredith and her fellow interns had been paged 911 they quickly met up with Dr. Bailey and followed Dr. Bailey down to the pit to await a large trauma that was incoming from a pileup on the expressway.

Meredith had been jittery and slightly sick since lunch and the decision she and Derek had made to tell the others before they could find out first. She was still a little hesitant, which she understood having to tell Dr. Bailey and Chief Webber because they were her superiors. She wasn't sure about telling her co-workers something so private belonging in her personal life. Derek encouraged her to tell them, that although they just had working relationships they were in the same internship together and they should be aware incase of any incidents. Like constantly running to the bathroom because of morning sickness.

Which she could have sworn was coming on now. She deducted it was a combination of nerves and all the food she had consumed during the lunch hour.

She had battled in her head back and forth on whether she should tell the interns individually or tell them as a group. She concluded that after their shift was over or the next time they were all together alone as a group she'd just make the announcement to them all however with all these cases coming in she wasn't sure that was going to work.

"May be I should tell them now." She muttered quietly to herself as they all stood outside the ambulance bay doors waiting for the vehicles to pull up.

"Tell them what now?" Alex boomed loudly from behind her. As Meredith eyes went wide darting from side to side taking in all her fellow interns who were now staring directly at her.

"I...I…I wanted to tell all you something that I thought you should hear from me first." She said as that got their interests peaked even more. Dr. Bailey stood off to the side listening and aware as to what was going on however facing and staring down the alley for the ambulances.

"I'm going to have a baby." Meredith told them as placed her hand delicately across her stomach while a heart warming smile graced her face as she said the words "baby" and looked down. Where her and Derek's first child, first of many that lay nurturing and growing inside her.

There was silence after that, a first she thought. All her fellow interns speechless, Cristina making a face of grossness like a baby was a toxic object and just turning back to look for the ambulance.

She couldn't wait to tell Derek she made them speechless she joked mentally. Alex was the first to speak up and comment on the news. "Congrats Shepherd." He told her honestly slapping her lightly on the back.

George followed. "Yeah, I I am happy for you and the other Dr. Shepherd of course."

Izzie with tears in her eyes no doubt thinking of her own pregnancy and child she had could only nodded an approval with a smile. I knew she was congratulating us in her own way even if she couldn't say the words right now.

As the sirens got closer and the ambulances turned the corner to arrive at the hospital bay. Meredith turned back around to get back into doctor mode with a sigh of relief that it went well, so far.