117. Chapter 117

It had became a very long day, tour bus versus truck did not make for a quiet afternoon

It had become a very long day, tour bus versus truck did not make for a quiet afternoon. The traumas were so much they had been split up between the 3 area hospitals, Seattle Grace, Mercy West, and Seattle Presbyterian. Meredith was so exhausted she couldn't even make it to Derek's office, she sunk herself down on a chair in the waiting room. Wanting a few minutes off her feet and to catch her breath.

It had been eight hours since she had seen Derek at lunch, 10 suture patients, 2 surgeries, half a dozen MRIs and so many x-rays Meredith could not remember. She was supposed to clock out 3 hours ago and Derek was supposed to be done even before that. However he had been in the OR all afternoon, patient after patient. So much had gone on this afternoon Meredith had forgotten all about her fear of letting her co-workers know about her pregnancy or their not to bad taking of the news that they would be one intern down for many months of her maternity leave. That or they couldn't wait to be rid of her, she thought.

Meredith closed her eyes wanting to rest them just for a minute. Bracing her head on her hand she dozed off for a brief minute. Jolting when noticing a body plunk down aggressively in the chair next to her. Glancing to the side wearily she noticed the culprit as Izzie.

"It's a lot of blood isn't it? Blood, trauma, surgery. I'm on such a high. I could keep going for hours even though I'm starving." She spoke as she opened a candy bar and spoke rapidly like she was really high while Meredith just raised her eyebrows trying to process the rapid speed of words she spoke.

Meredith just nodded and resumed her original resting position. Propping her legs up on the coffee table full of magazines in front of her. Her left hand propping her head, her right resting lightly on her stomach, in a defensive way protecting her baby for the loud peppy intern.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry, you're pregnant I should have known better. Do you want it?" Izzie asked handing Meredith the candy bar while Meredith looked on confused.

"No, it's okay. You need it." Meredith replied.

"You're probably craving something, here…" Izzie insisted.

"I had a big lunch and if Derek caught me eating that. Trust me you wouldn't him to find out you insisted I eat that bar." Meredith laughed.

"Oh, "she nodded with a smirk. "Over protective about the food is he?"

"Just a little." Meredith laughed. "Eat your bar, enjoy it for the both of us. I'm sure when Derek gets out of the OR he'll force something healthy and green on us." she said as she rubber her flat stomach.

"I'm going to die. I can't move anymore. Cristina's still in surgery with Webber for the umpteenth hour." George whined as he sank down in the chair next to Dizzies, groaning and leaning his head back against the wall.

"This crash was awesome, I got to see Shepherd cut a mans head in half. It was unbelievable. Hey, your husband rocks." Alex told Meredith, while he was on the same high as Dizzies considering practically yelled as he sat down with a bag of chips on the coffee table. Meredith just smirked and nodded her head in affirmation that her husband does do rock.

As Meredith closed her eyes again waiting for Derek to finish up, while they all ate and rambled on about the things they saw today and what they experienced.
