123. Chapter 123

"The bleeding is in a location that is situated that we would make one incision, remove the pressure and drain the excess fluid." Derek explained to the nanny of their patient. The nanny to Derek and Meredith's surprise had the legal authority power of attorney to approve the surgery for the minor. Apparently the parents were often out of town and left Chandra with a legal guardian which was the live in nanny.

The parents had also yet to arrive at the hospital and Derek was hoping to be in surgery by the time they did or as cruel as it sounded they did not show up at all while he was here because he was getting aggravated as to what could be more important than their little girl needing brain surgery.

Meredith had taken Chandra for pre-op while Derek explained the procedure. She stood in OR 4 off to the side, holding her little hand while she was still unconscious while waiting for Derek to arrive. She had promised the worried nanny she wouldn't leave her alone in surgery and Meredith intended on keeping her promise to the little girl who she felt was having such a similar upbringing as her own. Nanny's to feed you, dress you, wake you up and send you off to school, only seeing your parent on a random day once a week. Even though you grow up with so much material items, it doesn't fill your heart like love does.

"Melinda, Melinda?" A fifteen year old Meredith yelled while running around her room throwing things and pulling shoe boxes off shelves. Her mother had been on a UN mission for the past five weeks and was due back today and today had to be the day she was a mess.

"Yes, Miss Meredith?" her older nanny of three years came running in with a tray of breakfast foods for her, sitting it down on her table out on her balcony facing Central Park.

"I can't find my Gucci boots anywhere, help me please. I need them and I have to clean up this mess and get to school and hand in my paper and…"

"Miss Meredith…"

"I just bought them a few weeks ago where could they have gone." She shrieked while throwing more and more items out of her expansive walk in closet that was the size of some people's apartments.

"Miss Meredith, I will look and clean up, while you please eat."

"Thank you so much Melinda." Meredith sighed going out to stand on her balcony. Grabbing a piece of toast from her breakfast tray, she over looked the busy city as people rushed to work, to school and started their day while she watched from above all alone.

Meredith had been caught up in days past she hadn't realized Derek had scrubbed in and had come to stand next to her. Derek who loved her and changed her life so much, so she wouldn't ever be alone. He brought love, friends, family, nieces, nephews, gaggles of people in her life she could barely keep up she smiled under her mask.

"Dr. Shepherd, you ready to proceed?" He asked wanting to know if she was okay on a personal level noticing her zone out, but with being in the OR and in a room full of staff needed to be her superior.

"Yes, Dr. Shepherd." She answered confidently looking into his bright blue eyes which seemed to shine brighter with his ferry boat scrub cap on his head. She nodded her head in silent communication to let him know she was ok and while stepping closer so only he could hear whispered "thank you." As the nurses got his instruments ready and were busy prepping.

"For what" he whispered back.

"For being you."