124. Chapter 124

"Do you want to explain to me why I just got a text from Mark asking me "pastel pink or fuchsia?" Meredith smirked to Derek as they emerged from the hospital at the end of the day.

"What? When?" Derek stuttered.

"Earlier while I was waiting for you to finish up with the family."

Derek knew seeing parents like Chandra's would bring back memories and Meredith with her pregnancy hormones could end up beating them over the head with a chart. So Derek handled the parents on his own, while she got Chandra settled in recovery. Then running back to Derek's office to shower and get ready to head home. Every day since they've been slowly moving into their house she couldn't wait to go home. Like a little kid on the last day of school she'd count down, rush to get ready and rush Derek when he was taking so long. So they could get back to their land and see what was done that day and how closer they were to actually being really moved in.

I replied back 'pastel pink or fuchsia' for what and he never said he said to "just pick one."

"And did you?" he asked, as they reached their car, opening her passenger side door for her so she could get in.

"No, I said what ever you're buying get one of each and blue too." she giggled as Derek laughed.

"I had nothing to do with what he's buying." Derek defended.

"What ever you say Dr. Shepherd" she laughed at Derek's expression of trying to act like he didn't know what ever Mark was up to.

"What were you thinking about when I came into the OR?" He asked changing the subject and knowing she'd know he was trying to change the subject. He had noticed she had a blanked look on her face the second he entered the scrub room and could see her through the glass. It was like she was in a different place he had observed her doing on few occasions during their many years together. Usually when her mother was around.

Meredith leaned back in her seat, getting that same blank look on her face for a brief moment before turning to look at him with a smile as he drove the dark streets of Seattle to the ferry dock.

"I was thinking of life before you." She honestly told him. "It was lonely, like Chandra's. A lot like it."

"One day Chandra's life won't be lonely." Derek reassured her.

"I hope so, I hope she finds her very own McDreamy out there."

"Her what?" Derek coughed out choking as Meredith broke out in laughter.

"You didn't know? That's what the nurses apparently nicknamed you because you're so dreamy, perfect and edible. I guess you're what they all dream about. I chose not to ask what my nickname was figuring it was less than endearing." She said as she rolled her eyes.

"I'm just going to pretend I never heard of that nickname." Derek said as he rolled his eyes as well maneuvering the car onto the ferry.

"Good luck with that, you forget who's coming in a few days? Once Mark chats up a nurse and finds out, all of New York will know in minutes." She laughed as Derek's eyes widened knowing she was right and groaned. "I'm never going to hear the end of it will I?" he asked as he brought the car to a park in their ferry space.

"Nope." She smiled as she leaned over and kissed his cheek. "But I love you anyways." She let out as she slapped his knee, now let's go out up on deck." She said as she jumped out from the car waiting for him to go watch the Seattle lights from the dark starry night on top of the ferry boat.
