126. Chapter 126

"Ready?" Meredith heard Derek bellow loudly and impatiently at the nurse's desk. He had already changed back into his street clothes, he was holding his bag and hers, and he was tapping his foot impatiently with a pinched annoyed expression.

He being the high powered attending was able to get off on time, delegating to all his neurosurgeons bellow him. Meredith being the bottom of the totem pole as the intern wasn't as lucky which left her behind in her piling of work and with an anxious husband who wanted to go home.

"Not anymore ready than when you asked five minutes ago." Meredith replied glaring at him. "Seriously, Derek I can't finish with you hovering and jumping over there."

"I want to go home." Derek whined like a five year old causing Meredith to giggle.

"What?" he asked wondering what he did to cause her to start laughing.

"You sound like a toddler. Derek I want to go too, you have no idea how much but intern." She said pointing to herself, before pointing at him "attending. I can't take off or Bailey would kill me, and I don't want to put Richard in a difficult position."

"I know, I get it, doesn't make it any less easier though. We've waited for this day for so long."

"Yes and another hour is not going to kill us." She whispered it as said while he still pouted. She lowered her voice when she had noticed some nurses straining their ears to hear them, probably hoping they'd fight and McDreamy would be needing comforting.

"Now go sit in your office and do some paper work or something until I come get you. I still need to change too." She said looking down at her scrubs and Nike Shox.

"What happened to you being the intern and me the attending, you can't send me to my office." He flirted with a smile on his face and a sparkle in his eye.

"Oh yes I can, you're off duty. Which means I'm sending my husband to his office, now go. I'm wasting precious time here."

"Yes wife." He laughed as he kissed her lightly on the lips as he departed the nurse's desk area to let her finish all her notes she had been ordered to do during the day.

Derek berated himself on his way to his office for not getting to Dr. Bailey first and requesting a lighter load today for Meredith. Although he had a feeling that would have made things worse for her getting special treatment from her husband. He chuckled thinking that Dr. Bailey would have probably turned him down flat too.

Thirty minutes later of Derek attempting to do paper work while his mind kept wandering to his house and all that awaited he and Meredith when they got home his wife rushed into his office, squealing an exited "I'm done", slamming the door on her way in and running straight to the bathroom. He heard her scrambling her clothes and knew she was changing.

Glancing at his watch he knew she must have rushed those notes as fast as she could, cramming an hours worth of work into half. He smiled getting up from his desk, knowing the moment they were anticipating was here. Grabbing his own coat and hers, along with both bags again he waited as he heard her emerge with a bright smile on her face.

"Let's go home." She exclaimed in an exited tone, childlike like she chided him as being just 30 minutes ago. He laughed helping her put on her coat as she wouldn't sit still, grabbing the bags and her hand before replying back.

"Let's go home."